We had the good fortune of connecting with Kilee Reid and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Kilee, why did you decide to pursue a creative path?
I wholeheartedly believe that the most interesting thing in the world is creating. There really isn’t a wrong way to create. It’s very intimate and allows an individual to expose what’s inside the mind. In addition, what’s even more fascinating is the process of cultivating what’s inside and projecting that very idea outward. This phase in creating is very rewarding because the steps needed to produce your thought or thoughts must be worked out and experimented in order for the finish product, no matter whatever it may be to make sense and ultimately represent the creators thoughts fully. Once you create and present that very thing to the world, it’s out there. Your own personal artifact, carbon footprint, your mark that stamps your existence here during this lifetime. I feel that once you create, the creator becomes immortal and will live forever by way of their creativity as well as the people who may be inspired by such works. That’s personally why I chose to become a creator.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
My company “New Atlanta Storytellers” is all about creating a space for people to tell their story. My motto is “tell your story, live forever”. I find it is very vital to one’s existence that telling your personal stories unites us as humans. Stories have the power to close gaps, whether those gaps are racial, gender based, religious, and or any other category that defines people. My ideology is that the power of storytelling allows individuals to see the similarities and possibly become inspired by others. I feel that people motivate people and that’s one of life’s best teachers. Understanding that regardless of our individual paths, we are all similar, that’s what sets my company apart from others. My journey so far has been rewarding, my most proud aspects have been the process of bonding with a client and listening to their stories, and finally working side by side to create their vison. Moreover, just the trust that’s shared with a client. It is a very big deal to open up and become completely transparent with a stranger. Bein completely exploitable with your truths is a delicate process, so I feel extremely proud that my clients trust me to that magnitude.
I have always been interested in creating. I grew up as an only child in my home, being raised by my grandparents really created a space for me to figure ways to entertain myself, especially during the months and times when there was no school; summer or spring breaks. As a child and even now, I’ve always enjoyed a good book. With being an avid reader, naturally you will become interested in the stories of the characters or you become inspired by the things you’ve read. As you would expect, I became inspired and wanted to tell stories and create content. Early on I was unaware of how to create outside of writing essays and such. But enter “Social Media”, things changed and quickly. I began creating content that was used to promote parties, music artists, gatherings, social events. From there I started an online radio show, pre podcast days, which really honed in on my passion for storytelling. through countless interviews I learned that people love to talk and tell their stories, especially when someone truly listens.
Growing into the state I’m currently in was not easy all the time, you have ups and downs like any business. However, when down times surface, I create from within. I’ll elaborate, last year 2020, was hard due to the pandemic and social distancing. So to avoid becoming stagnate and to continue sharpening my craft, I would create shorts and interactive conversations. This not only aided in me avoiding mental blockages from being idle but ultimately opened doors for great networking opportunities.
Due to the ever changing world, I have learned that you must first stay true to yourself, goals, and your overall objective, but also be willing to step beyond what’s comfortable and have a hunger for growth. As a creative you must have the mindset that there are no ceilings as longs as you continue to strive for more.
“New Atlanta Storytellers” is a brand that represents people and their lives. No days lived are in vein and I’m proud that my company in centered on the idea of your life is much larger than the individual that owns it. We go about our days unaware that things we do and or experience can impact others, our stories can save a life. That’s special.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
Atlanta is a thriving city, there’s definitely something for everyone. I would start the week off with a spa date in Midtown Atlanta, followed by a nice bike ride through Piedmont Park. Tuesday is always for tacos, so we would have “Taco Tuesday” at Tin Lizzy’s on the patio of course along Metropolitan Ave downtown, because you have to take in the views. Wednesday, would be nice day to paint outside at Freedom Park complete with blankets, fruit, wine and art supplies. Thursday we would take scooters through the city, we would visit the “Atlanta Selfie Museum” first, have lunch along Peter’s Street, and end with desert from Sublime Doughnuts. Friday we would catch a movie at the new IPIC Theater which is a complete vibe in itself. Saturday is all about Ponce City Market, rooftop dinner at 9 Mile Station followed by some games and drinks at the carnival, which is right outside of restaurant. We would end the week with the best brunch spot in the city “Breakfast at Barneys” for my favorite the 24k gold pancakes.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
During a down point after college, I found it very hard at times to get motivated. You set out with big goals and high hopes of growing your business and getting your content out and in the views of your peers, but as most are aware, it isn’t that easy. During this time, I grew very discouraged and at times felt like I was in over my head. Thank God for YouTube, I found some very pivotal motivational videos. I found Les Brown & Jim Rohn. These gentlemen truly switched my lenses and aided me in digging deeper to grow within myself as well as understanding the importance of studying and learning as much as possible about your craft. The year I first listened to Jim Rohn was summer 2016 and I still listen to him as well as Les Brown every morning at 4:30am during my meditation and prep time.

Website: www.newatlstrytlrs.com

Instagram: trvpgirlcash

Image Credits
Victoria McDaniel & Tiffany Pagan

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.