We had the good fortune of connecting with Kenya Bannister Dennis Leid and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Kenya Bannister, what role has risk played in your life or career?
Risk taking has played a primary role in our lives, hence our brand, Doer. A Doer is someone who thrives off of their ability to put what’s in their head into their hands. That statement is deeply rooted in taking risks. Naturally, some of our wildest dreams can 1. be intimidating to pursue or 2. seem unattainable and so far out of our reach. The act of Risk taking in itself is disruptive and forces us to be clear on our vision and commit to our path through authenticity, betting on God and ourselves. Transitioning to full-time entrepreneurship was one of the most challenging decisions we’ve made as a couple and as parents. However, it was a gamble we were willing to take and it’s been working for us. It’s given us flexibility with our time and the opportunity to introduce entrepreneurship to our children, while simultaneously learning about their ideas and passions on a deeper level. They’ve seen the hustle, the grind and the risks and we’re proud that our lives can be a point of reference for them to pursue their own dreams without fear.

Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
Our Mission is to inspire action, always. Whether it is through our sustainable, purpose-driven apparel or delivering visual assets to clients for the sake of brand elevation. We desire to create a world around us where we inspire people to show-up as the best version of themselves through the ebbs and flows of life. If there was one word to describe our brand, it will be resilience. As a young brand, 2 and a half years in the making, we are most proud of the community we’ve built and the journey of trial and error. We didn’t go to school for technical training in anything that we’re executing at this present moment, however, through the grace of God, our creative nature and vision, and unrelenting desire to be the best at what we do, we have acquired the experience, knowledge and skill-set to stand in rooms we’ve only dreamed of.

What sets us apart from others is simply the care and transparency we provide for our community and clients. We’re not just selling t-shirts, nor are we just a camera for hire. We’ve sought out the best for our community, from the quality of fabric we use, which is Supima Cotton (the finest 1% of cotton grown globally,) and did our due diligence on manufacturers to verify certifications and licenses that ensures a socially responsible future for our brand. With clients, alike, we conduct a thorough screening and onboarding process to assess our clients strengths and pain-points to determine how we can best serve them in successfully bringing their vision to life through our visual storytelling.

As a brand, we’ve taken on the responsibility to connect Doers from one city to another. In a world where instant gratification seems to be today’s choice of preference, we exist with a message that is sobering, to let everyone know that shortcuts, self-doubt and fear holds no weight compared to the God-given light, abilities and vision we possess as individuals. Our dreams become closer within our reach when there is motion and action attached as reinforcement. One foot in front of the next, even if your legs are shaking, you’ll get to where you need to be. Be a Doer.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
We recently relocated to GA from NYC a few months ago, so we haven’t had the opportunity to do much sightseeing. However, we do love to occupy more upscale atmospheres where we can enjoy the wine, appreciate grand architecture while interacting with others who appreciate the same vibe. We absolutely adore Chateau Elan, from the regal aesthetic to their exquisite wine and breathtaking open vineyard fields for a great evening sunset. Then to Buckhead, the night life is reminiscent of that of the “Big Apple.” The vibe and quality of people are unmatched. We’ll head over to the W Hotel’s Whiskey Blue rooftop to have drinks while overlooking the city, (we love a good view.) These are some of our favorite things to do so far. With that being said, please don’t let this deter you from inviting us to the cookout. Lol

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
We will like to dedicate our shout out to Doers, worldwide. A special thanks to Da Spot NYC, Michelle Cadore and Frantz Face (owner of Vesta Klozet) for giving us a platform to display our work and creating an in-store experience for our customers. We’ll like to thank Chante Ramsey for always being a believer and supporter of our brand from the very beginning. A special thanks to Akein Brown for being such an influential part of our journey as a photographer and videographer in our beginning stages. A special thanks to our brother Nadav for his guidance and moral support along the way.

Website: doerproductions.us

Instagram: @shop.doer

Image Credits
Dennis Leid, Kenya Bannister, Trinity Bannister, Stacy B Photography

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.