Meet Justin Hart | #1 Inspirational Bestselling Author, Speaker & DJ

We had the good fortune of connecting with Justin Hart and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Justin, where are your from? We’d love to hear about how your background has played a role in who you are today?
MY YOUTH WAS EVERYTHING! As a talkative middle child, my family of 5 lived in Blytheville, Arkansas where my father retired from the military. I recall spending a lot of time playing sports in the grassy, open fields, pressing creative sentences and artwork onto blank sheets of paper with my #2 pencil, and listening to the beautiful sound of music intently. It’s amazing how life turns out though. Those very same dynamics that structured my childhood, literally became the stepping stones to my adulthood today.
Hampton Roads, Virginia became home for many years after my father’s retirement and that is where I sprouted into a young gentleman. Many memories were formed in Virginia. A lot of sunshine and a lot of rain. But, if it were not for those rainy days, I would not be the man of character I am today.
I laugh when I think back on my adolescence. With a gorgeous wife and 3 amazing children of my own now living here in Atlanta, GA, I never would have guessed that the same talkative and ambitious little boy I once was, would become the responsible and God-loving husband, father and businessman I see in the mirror every morning.
Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
MY UMBRELLA OF A BUSINESS allows me to be the “Creative” that I was born to be. J Hart Productions, LLC was formed in spring of 2021. After many years of being a successful author, speaker, and DJ in the metro Atlanta area, the nudge to become an independent business owner only made sense. With my new business I am free to write, coach, speak, design, and host events as a DJ/MC.
Yes, I wear many hats, but they all fit very well! The seedling of a thought first started when I became a published author at the age of 26 with my debut novel Liquid Sunshine, a story about love, life and finding the will of God. By God’s grace, the book surpassed Joel Osteen and Joyce Meyers to get to a #1 spot on Amazon’s inspirational list in 2009! Being a certified author increased my creative writing to another level and has since motivated me to produce many more books for the near future. Being an author of significance brought forth many speaking opportunities and birthed my Author Coaching services.
In 2013, I introduced the world to Life, Love and God, my first volume of poetry, with the intent of creating a volume every decade. My wife and I are on the front cover looking youthful from our wedding day. The front covers of forthcoming volumes will showcase my wife and I plus our three children as we grow older in age. So far, President Barak and Michelle Obama, the late Maya Angelou, and the famous Nikki Giovanni all own a copy.
Most recently, going into 2022, I am very proud to share that I have branded my self under the Pigs Learn About Money venture that has taken my life on a journey of becoming a first time illustrator and children’s book author! The Three Lil’ Pigs Learn About Money is the title of the newest book and the online financial education content is what I smile about the most. In due time, I believe the idea that I prayed for back in 2018, God will receive much glory for as the vision continues to build an audience, nationally and internationally.
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
Being a resident of Gwinnett County, I will first shoutout the Mall of GA area. Second to that, Ponce City Market. And thirdly the heart of downtown Atlanta is certainly a memorable place to visit and eat. The food and night spots are plenteous. Catching a professional sports game such as the Hawks, Falcons, or the World Champs, Atlanta Braves is a lively experience. My wife and I have been to all three sports stadiums! Watching an Atlanta United FC soccer game is next…
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
There is no way I could just recognize one individual, instead I will recognize one couple. That couple happens to be my mother and father, Barry and Lisa Hart. They showed me an incredible amount of love and support since I was a child. So when I say, “I had a very blessed childhood,” I mean it. They introduced me to the church and the church introduced me to Jesus. Since Christ has entered into my heart, I’ve been able to encounter some of the most anchored men and women (whom I call friends and family now). They have been pillars throughout different stages and seasons of my life. If it were not for them, my character would not be what it is. Thankfully, great values, ethics, and morals have made a huge impact on my marriage and how I raise my children.
As mentioned, when I think back over my life, I MUST thank my parents. They are the ones who brought me into this world. Thanks, Mom and Dad for doing such a wonderful job! Now it’s my turn…
Linkedin: Author Justin C. Hart
Other: Kid’s website – My other 2 YouTube channels are Justin Hart Novels and J Hart Productions 757 TIK TOK –