Meet Jared Washington | Jared Washington, LPC, CEO, Author

We had the good fortune of connecting with Jared Washington and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Jared, every day, we about how much execution matters, but we think ideas matter as well. How did you come up with the idea for your business?
I came up with the idea for my business by trying to figure out how I could merge 2 pieces of my identity into 1, me being a Mental Health Therapist as well as being a Social Justice Activist for the Black Community. I thought about this for a while when developing my business and asked myself hard questions about how my business could not only serve the Black Community, but how could I serve from a Mental Health and Social Justice lens. I first came up with the name H.O.P.E. for my business but wanted to further explain what that meant. With me being a Mental Health Therapist, Healing is one thing that is extremely important to the work that I do but also to what I feel like the Black Community can benefit from in order to continue to prosper. Outreach, is the idea that my business will outreach, connect, and team up with other organizations, companies, and/or agencies that also serve the same demographic that I aimed to serve. Purpose was also pivotal to incorporate with my business because I truly believe that once we find purpose life becomes that much more meaningful. Lastly Empowerment, I aim to not only to serve my community, the Black Community, but also to empower those who have been disenfranchised by oppression and those who feel powerless to their mental illness. This is how H.O.P.E. (Healing Outreach Purpose Empowerment) came to life.
Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
My business HOPE LLC is a Private Practice that engages in providing Mental Health Services to clients and Public Speaking to universities and companies. HOPE LLC is different from other Private Practices and Public Speaking businesses because it focuses on practicing from not only a Mental Health lens but also a Social Justice lens. I am a culturally competent therapist that looks at the clients current experiences, family history, and how the environment plays a role in the way clients think, feel, and behave/engage. What sets HOPE LLC apart from others is that it doesn’t hesitate to acknowledge how systematic oppression and racial traumatic events impact those of the Black Community. Furthermore, HOPE LLC works to dismantle systematic oppression from a Mental Health perspective.
I am most proud of and excited about my first book titled “Heal or Repeat: Breaking the Cycle of Intergenerational Trauma” which is published under HOPE LLC. I am excited for this first publication because it captures everything that HOPE LLC stands for. It focuses on how trauma responses in the Black Community are passed down through different generations in a family and reinforced by current racial traumatic events as well as ways to heal from it.
I got to where I am today business-wise by identifying my passion and purpose and working diligently to bring it to life. This process has been a journey but one I would travel over and over again. I was able to overcome the challenges by reminding myself of the goals I set out for myself and my business and not quitting after multiple perceived failures. I persevered and learned from my mistakes and got back up every time I fell down. One thing I learned traveling through his journey is to keep putting one foot in front of the other and that no matter what keep God first.
I want the world to know about me, my brand, and my story is that HOPE LLC will continue to do the work of serving the Black Community in Mental Health through a Social Justice Lens. HOPE LLC aims to provide quality Mental Health Services to those in need and those who have trouble navigating their emotions that may be impacted from systematic oppression and racism. Lastly, I want the world to know that despite what I went through throughout my life, I never gave up and I continued to learn from my trials and errors.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I would like to dedicate my shoutout to my family, friends, Assata Shakur, Marcus Garvey, and Dr. Joy Degruy. My family and friends have always supported me and pushed me to be the best that I could be. They are the backbone to everything that I do both personally and professionally. They continue to challenge me so that I am not settling for less but striving for the greatness that they see in me. They always encourage and inspire me to pursue my dreams and passions and for that I will forever be grateful. I also would like to dedicate my shoutout to Assata Shakur, Marcus Garvey, and Dr. Joy Degruy because they influenced the way I think and see the world. Their work has inspired mines as well as help shape and develop my consciousness around what it means to be a Black Man in America. All 3 of these individuals, in one way shape or form, played a part in the creation of my first book Heal or Repeat: Breaking the Cycle of Intergeneration Trauma.
Instagram: @J.washington.hope
Image Credits
Darryl Humphrey Justen Debowles