Meet Ish Laos | Web Designer & Founder

Hi Ish, how has your perspective on work-life balance evolved over time?
First of all it’s an honor and a privilege to be featured here on ShoutOut Atlanta, so thank you! As my website design business started picking up over the years, I found that I slowly let my work take over my life. I was answering late night text messages, returning emails and answering phone calls well past 5pm and even on weekends. The work eventually caught up to me and I found myself having lots of anxiety and stress, but at the time, I didn’t put the two together. For some reason I was always convinced that if I didn’t answer that one email, or return that one missed call within the first 30 seconds (a bit of an exaggeration), that it would irritate the client to no end, and make me appear irresponsible somehow. It was my wife Bonnie that made me aware that work was taking over my life and that I needed to put the phone down and shut down the laptop at 5pm, essentially, unplug. She would tell me not to worry- that the sky would not fall if I reached out to the client the next business day. At first it was a bit difficult to let go of my habits, but after a while I started to see the benefits. I started to become a better father and husband to my family and actually started to enjoy my time off away from work. And to my surprise, my clients wouldn’t even bat an eye when I communicated with them the next business day. It was all in my head. Knowing when to stop is also good for your overall health and productivity. You actually work better and more creatively when your head is clear.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
My wife Bonnie definitely deserves all of the credit to my success, and I thank her for it. She is the voice of reason whenever I have a dilemma to work through, or if I am ever overloaded with work. She is even very tech-savvy. She used to be a Windows Engineer before she became a full-time mom. So, there are times where I am really stuck with an application or a program, and rely on her skills to help me break through. She actually loves the challenge, whereas I am a huge stress ball over it!
Other: My two other websites: and
Image Credits
Daemon Baizan