We had the good fortune of connecting with Isaiah Barton and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Isaiah, is there a quote or affirmation that’s meaningful to you?
One of my favorite quotes of all time, goes something like this…”Before Culture, there was Agriculture”. As a young, “black” gardener, grower, and steward of the land, this quote is very profound and very significant to me. Read the quote again so it marinates. I love this quote so much because of the emphasis that it puts on growers everywhere across the world. Specifically, farmers. The people that grow the food that eventually ends up on our forks and spoons at home. Even the meat. (Think about the plants they eat) In this current day and age, the culture of today is moving further away from even eating actual food. Let alone knowing where it comes from or even how it even comes to be/how it’s grown. Through my gardening coach + consulting company, Infinite Seeds Academy, and my herbalism company, Whole SOL Organics, I use this quote as a great foundational nugget of information, building a base of comprehension of not only those facts, but also, my personal intention as well. Even if folks don’t quite understand immediately, by the time we’re done talking, it has usually turned into a conversation, and not a lesson.

Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
I have currently, two businesses that relate to my soul purpose. Whole SOL Organics, LLC and Infinite Seeds Academy, LLC. Whole SOL Organics is a botanicals brand. For those who don’t know what a botanical is, it’s any plant or piece of a plant valued or utilized for medicinal properties. Whole SOL [Organics] focuses on the medicinal capabilities and properties of plants. Aside from being “black”, and so young in this field, what sets me apart in this industry is my intention with this brand. I’ve outlined and condensed my intention into primary goals; 1.) To educate people about plants and their medicinal capabilities and properties, first and foremost. To educate people enough to have the confidence to identify, know the properties of, and if they chose to, utilize medicinal plants. 2.) once they’re educated enough to make a confident decision in moving forward, Heal them. That’s the second goal. 3.) Lastly, is to honor the Ancestors by if not returning too, but integrating the methods and knowledge of those before us into our present day lives. Since Whole SOL [Organics] was founded in May of last year (2022), it has served mostly as a green flag if you will. Letting my peers, family, and the world know that I’m taking this serious. From selling jars of seamoss and other medicinal plants with no labels or even a lick of branding other than the name I was born with, creating the brand set it in stone. While ironically and simultaneously, setting it in motion.

Company number two, is Infinite Seeds Academy. Created as a sub-company (subsidiary) of Whole SOL Organics. Focusing on three goals as well; 1.) Garden Coaching + Consultation 2.) Experiential Learning in the realm of gardening, farming, plants, and growing in general, and 3.) Gardening/Planting Resources (primarily made by me). Founded just last month of this year, June 2023. As previously stated, Whole SOL Organics’ focus is medicinal plants and the education of such. Also previously stated, I’m only 22 years young. The more and more I’m learning about different growing techniques, methods, practices, and just general good to know knowledge about the “field” (get it ?), the more people are asking me for tips, tricks, answers, and guidance. Both people that I’ve known for a couple years, and people I’ve just recently met fall into this description . From family of course, but peers and damn near strangers more often. Aside from these facts, through observation of my Whole SOL Organics instagram, I started to notice the blurred lines around the whole operation. Less and less the content became about medicinal plants, and more and more about growing. On top of all of that, I actually have an insatiably growing hunger to pass all this rich knowledge on to whoever will listen. So, I decided to make the division. Clearing up and defining the lines between the two. Whole SOL Organics being product based, and Infinite Seeds Academy, being service based.

A few things I want the world to know about the two brands, is the meanings of both of their names.
First, Whole SOL Organics. Sol = sun in spanish. Organics = a broad reference to the wide range of natural and medicinal products I create and offer. Whole SOL = Whole Sun. This is a reference to the fascinating physiology of plants and how they create and synthesize not only their own nutrients, but plenty of nutrients/healing compounds for us humans as well. With that in mind, the Sun is also the source of light, life, and energy in our lives. So if plants utilize and embody the power of the Sun, and now you utilize these plants, you intern are embodying that power as well. Every checkout and product bag that I’ve ever sold has the key phrase of the slogan stamped on the side; [#]Good 4 Ya’ SOL. If you caught that, that’s the second half of the brand name. The whole slogan goes, “The stuff that’s Good 4 Ya’ SOL”. Phonetically, “sol”, sounds like “soul”. I put my “whole soul” into the brand, and the products that are created from the brand are intended to nurture not just your body and mind, but your soul as well.

Infinite Seeds Academy, is quite the interesting one as well. Infinite = never ending. We know what seeds are. An academy = is a center of learning or a training establishment. “Infinite Seeds” has a double meaning. Since I’m teaching people about growing plants, we’re quite literally and actually planting a never ending amount of seeds. Especially when we’re growing thing like tomatoes or basil, which are know to resow their own seeds comparably to “weeds”. The other half of the phrase “Infinite Seeds” is a reference to the knowledge that I’m “planting” in to the minds of the young, middle aged, and elderly students that I teach. Whether they use that knowledge for themselves or just pass it on, the “seeds” will sprout somwhere eventually. With that in mind, the slogan goes like this; “where growth never stops”. In terms of the literal plant/seed growth, and the mental growth of our knowledge.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
First, we’re rising with or a little bit after the Sun, getting some good stretches in and light blood circulation activities like pushups. We’ll go check on the garden behind my apartment, and then we’ll get ready to head out. Specifically, heading out going to get some fruit, fresh fruit juice, or a fruit smoothie and head over to one of the little known attractions in the area of Clemson. The secret waterfall. We’ll take a quick drive there, and spend a couple hours there. Taking in the abundance and beauty of Mother Nature. Feeling the rays on our skin, might put our feet in the river, hike a little, and even forage some herbs and fruit out there. We’ll definitely leave before noon – 2pm, because when the Sun is in those positions in the sky, it usually blazing by then. We’ll leave and get back, and take about a 45min drive to Greenville to get some midday grub. As a vegan for nearly five years, we’d definitely visit one of my go to plant-based spots. The Vegan House Shack, or The Naked Vegan. Next once we fill our stomachs, we’ll visit the Urban Teaching Farm at Upstate Circle of Friends and feed our souls even more as we observe Mother Nature once more, but in a more cultivated scenario. If Toya, Kim, and the rest are there, we’d definitely have some great conversation there for some time. Then lastly, if they’re still there, we’ll visit the library in Berea. This library offers library card holders ten packs of flower, herb, and or vegetable seeds of your choice per visit. We’d be leaving with 20 of those then head back home. That’d be our day in a nutsell.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I’m only 22 years old. Yet, I feel like I’m 52 sometimes. Solely because of all of the great people I’ve met on this journey we call life. First and foremost on my list of shoutouts, the ones who brought me here to experience this world, my loving Mother and Father. Their level of support and guidance knows no end.

Next, my three biggest inspirations for being a grower. My two grandfathers, Odell Moore of the southeastern countryside of the united states, and Lloyd Barton of the countryside of Jamaica. Along with my grandmother on my dad’s side, Chelsea Winter of Jamaica as well. Growing up watching, analyzing, and even imitating these Elders as a youngin’ most definitely inspired and shaped me into the person and the grower that I am today. I also, would like to highlight my grandmother on my mom’s side, Diane Moore. Although she’s never inspired me to be a grower, she inspires me in other ways. Her biggest method, is by always reminding me of my multifaceted and multitalented nature. Never letting me forget of my infinite and boundless capability.

Next to be noted, the good folks over at the non-profit, Upstate Circle of Friends in Greenville, SC. Deloris Pinson, George Singleton, Pamela Adams, Jameka Murphy, Tiffany Davis, and my two biggest helps, my two mentors there, Toya Moore (no relation that we know of lol !), and Kim Gibson. Toya and Kim, have, and still continue to teach, guide, and shape me in their respective niches. Toya with social relations/interactions + business operations, and Kim with her farming expertise. Two more people worthy of recognition, I met through interning at Upstate Circle of Friends. The good folks over at H&G Produce, Margaret and Bryant Harrison. Two Elders still promoting and utilizing some of the traditional methods of farming and crop production.

Lastly, shoutout Mother Earth for her richness and abundance, and for her allowing me to be a keeper of her land.

I still have a long way to go, and so much work to do, but I know for fact that I wouldn’t be where I am without these great people who’ve been aforementioned.

Website: www.wholeSOLorganics.com

Instagram: @wholeSOLorganics_ + @infiniteSeeds_academy

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zay-barton-427282251/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wholeSOLorganics/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGfggGJkioRwnDShj7X0xPg

Other: First Book (i’ve ever released): https://wholesolorganics.com/products/15-easy-vegetables-to-grow-for-beginner-gardeners

Image Credits
Herman Murphy III. [Applies to only two images > #1) The initial photo of me smiling with the Whole SOL Organics sign. #2) The off-guard of me coaching the young girl in the grey sweater. ]

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.