We had the good fortune of connecting with Esteban Selva-Castillo and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Esteban, what role has risk played in your life or career?
You have to risk it for the biscuit. Taking risks has always led to growth for us. We feel it’s beneficial to always challenge yourself and push your limits as often as you can.

Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
I feel what sets me apart as a creative is what should set every creative apart. Being yourself completely and doing what makes you happy. Create art that you like and that sets you on fire and the right energies will gravitate towards your work. Be patient and as long as you love what you are doing, it’s really all about the journey, which is quite lovely to think about during times when you need to re-ground yourself. It hasn’t been the easiest journey, and I appreciate that it hasn’t. It’s during those uncomfortable and challenging times where the most wisdom and growth happens and as long as you love what you do and continue to push forward, you’ll be surprised and grateful for what the Universe reveals, one experience at a time.

What would I like the world to know about me and our brand? I’d like the world to know that we’re passion-driven and put love and people first. We strive to continue creating art that sets us on fire and we strive to get better and better every single day. Reach out to us if you resonate with our style of creative and we would love to get to know you and talk about any project you had in mind 🙂

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
Hmmm, if my best friend were visiting for a week, I’ll toss a variety of things and places I would have them experience. I would take them to Cloudland Canyon in North Georgia for a hike. The views there are crazy and the waterfalls are nice too.

I would take them to Battle and Brew in Sandy Springs. If you aren’t familiar, Battle and Brew is a gaming bar or “barcade”, if you will. Good beer on tap, food is awesome, and you can sit at a gaming station with your friends to play any console you wish with buttons on the table you can press for the server to come and switch out any game or console whenever you please!

I’d take them to Piedmont Park to ride electric scooters or bikes around. Pleasant, fun and calming experience there.

I’d take them to a stand up comedy show or some improv comedy in Atlanta. Kayaking either on the Chattahoochee River or on a lake like Red Top Mountain. A live music concert in a favorite venue. A night out with friends I introduce them to. Other than that, I’d flow with the time and get into some sort of adventure.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
This is an interesting question. Before shouting out a few people in particular, I have to let my inner “hippie-dippie” give thanks and appreciation to everything and everyone I’ve exchanged energies with from when I was born, until the present moment. All the good and the bad. From good friends, random encounters with pleasant people, random encounters with not-so-pleasant people, good bosses, bad bosses, the supporters, the haters, etc. I’m a big believer in “everything happens for a reason” and as long as you try your best to practice mindfulness often and maneuver through life with good intentions, every encounter and situation is an opportunity to learn and grow.

I’ll pause the preaching on that and give thanks to some specific people and situations. Props to my mom who has always pushed love and support onto me since the beginning of time. No matter how crazy my ideas and dreams were, she has always pushed me to do what makes me happy.

I’m also super grateful for my other half and business partner. We balance each other out beautifully and she is always by my side, pushing love and support through every high and especially through every low. Watching her maneuver through life is inspiring and motivating and I’m lucky she chooses to be by my side ever single day <3

Big shoutout to my decision to move to Colorado in my mid 20’s. I was raised in Biloxi, MS and making the decision to not stay in my hometown and moving to Colorado completely opened up my mind and changed my perspective on life for the better.

And the story continues 🙂

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Image Credits
We took the images uploaded here at Chasing Stars Media 🙂

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.