We had the good fortune of connecting with Dr Samuel Carter and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Dr Samuel, can you walk us through the thought-process of starting your business?
I have been trying to provide wraparound services to men and their families, my thoughts to putting this together was really simply coming from a standpoint of how can I help them in a one stop shop along with a variety of services and resources. We choose to provide an evidence based program that compliments our community service programs. I really wanted to give men a place to come and just be men, talk about issues that concern us while learning and helping our men .

What should our readers know about your business?
I believe what sits us apart is the fact that we truly provide grassroots services to men and their families my most proud about the fact that we are reuniting families were helping men become better men also provide social services and mental health services feeding families, making sure that kids have Food in their refrigerators at home all of those things are great and that’s what we provide services through. We’ve gotten to where we are today through partnerships and truly just working hard at wanting to be a service provider to our community. I’m driven through the fact that there are a lot of people that need help and I feel that I can help them through the resources that I’ve developed through my life and through influence of you know being a community gatekeeper and stakeholder so I really do take pride in being able to help people become who they are Destined to be and giving them a great outlook on life. where we are has not been easy, no securing state contracts finding the resources to survive in a tough business world as a not for profit. We serve the indigent so a lot of the people we serve don’t have resources from the community that we do serve in to provide donations so trying to get outside influences and people to you know support what we are doing in some of our communities is very difficult because folks have their own initiatives and things that they’re trying to do in their community and just trying to help my community is not something on their list so I have to figure out Waze regularly to bring in money to support our efforts that we in initiatives and the community. We have overcome challenges through just believing in what we do, continuing to press on through the difficult times of no funding and not giving up.. I simply want the world to know that there are little boys like myself who have a dream that come from a rough area in the community that may not have had all of the things that folks from you know influential communities may have, but I did have a dream and my dream has always been to be successful and to help people that I love so I’ve always wanted to be the guy in my family that people would come to that needed support and needed help and I would be that person that can do that and that’s what I am today so I’m very happy you know where I’ve been and how I’ve come to where I am today cause I’ve been one of the ones that I’ve been you know the least of these so I know how it feels to be left out count it out and not count it on, so I’ve always wanted to know people to just know that there are survivors out here. There are people like myself who just simply want to be a blessing the others because we’ve had some really tough lives in our past that could’ve easily changed our tradition, but because I am a steadfast believer that hard work pays off. I’ve continued to work hard and I believe that you know when people sit down and get to know who I am and where I’ve come from that they will figure out really quick that this guy has been through a lot, but yet he still standing .

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Well if my best friend came to town, we would probably just go just maybe hang out for a little while shoot pool go to the movies catch up. Talk about some things. Laugh about some things and you know just go through a full array of how our families were doing and catch up with old times. Well part of our hanging would definitely be somewhere on a boat fishing taking my guy fishing hanging out on some water just talking about good times catching a little sun. That’s what we would definitely do as one of our days out for that weeklong take a road trip to maybe go visit some other buddies that may live close by would be another activity we would be doing And you know, just kind of hang out and maybe cook out a little bit and have a big barbecue for the Community and Family In just have a bunch of fun

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
I would like to shoutout Builder of Men , Fred Rouse and Technique Athletes for being the driving force behind our success. All of the individuals play a vital role in what I do, from helping with sports programs to feeding families and providing 24/7 Dads these guys really gave my back.

Website: https://carterscorner.org

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sam.carter.712714

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.