We had the good fortune of connecting with Dr. Ruth Pauline Plummer and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Dr. Ruth Pauline, we’d love to hear more about how you thought about starting your own business?
As I travel to speak to women across the globe, I found that regardless of their social background, religion, economic status or race. I obsereved the pain and deep rooted wounds that they carry.These wounds restrict them from moving forward to their best life.My focus has been assisting them in discovering their sense of purpose, maximizing their untapped potential, and discover their unlimited ability . My desire is to help them achieve their personal and corporate goals.

Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
It hasn’t always been a smooth road. Most of the challenges came dealing with the person within. I faced an enormous amount of Image opposition based on both gender and race. I have always been innovation and often times the first in reaching certain levels of success in my chosen field. I have had to learn how to thrive with the restrictions and limitations that were placed upon me. Being that race or gender isn’t optional to anyone, I found myself navigating through the fears and phobias while finding a way to present my value to those that found it to be in question due to gender inequality and race discrimination. I never questioned my talent, ability and professional skills and knew it was necessary to break my own ceilings to supersede my goals.

One of the biggest lessons I learned that apply to all is to not define yourself by limitations or restrictions, but to know your value and recognize the gifts you have within. Master your technique in presenting a way that others can receive and benefit from what you have to bring to the table. Take the time to analyze yourself and find out who you are as an individual. It’s important to know your strengths, areas of improvement, likes, dislikes, mental and physical capacities and preferences. Being very honest and transparent with yourself is a must. Once you navigate these territories, maintaining the proper balancing has always been key in success. Managing motherhood, employees, and volunteers while constantly developing as a leader became quite the challenge earlier on. My role as a mom has always been a top priority. You have such a short time to lay a foundation and fundamentals in their life. Every decision was predicated on my ability to function effectively as a mother. Most women feel as though they have to choose between their goals and careers. I have the key is to figure out how to do both successfully and simultaneously; which is a different recipe for every woman. Focus should primarily be on how to spend your time vs. how to make more money and spend it. latest business venture is Covenant Daughters Television Network. It is a television network created by women for women. Our goal is to mentor women through media by providing programing that will inform, educate, encourage them to emerge into their best self which makes us unique.
I am excited to create a platform where women can expand their voices and share important information with other women.
Some of the challenges have been faced with is transitioning from a tv personality to a television executive.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
If a friend was visiting the area I would take them to Atlantic Station. Atlantic Station is an upscale commercial and residential area. at the heart is the Atlantic Station Mall with popular fashion and home decor stores. Not to mention the wonderful resturants.
a mini tour would consist of visiting the Cultural institutions include the Millennium Gate Museum with temporary art exhibitions and the Robert C. Williams Paper Museum.
Then we would grab a bite at one of the wonderful restaurants and then head to the movie theater.Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I would like to give a shout out and dedicate to Covenant Daughters Inlt. Also to my wonderful husband, Bishop Glenn Plummer and my amazing children.

Website: www.covenantdaughters.tv

Instagram: Dr Pauline Plummer

Linkedin: Dr Pauline Plummer

Twitter: Dr Pauline Plummer

Facebook: Pauline Plummer

Image Credits
Dr. Ruth Pauline Plummer

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.