We had the good fortune of connecting with Dr. Chanel and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Dr., how has your background shaped the person you are today?
I am from Detroit Michigan, originally born and raised on the Eastside. I grew up in poverty but my mom worked as diligent as she could to the point I never knew I didn’t have everything as it appeared. My mother did her absolute best. I needed and wanted for nothing.

My growing up was impacted like most Detroiters, our environment. I decided At an early age, that this would not be where I’d remain throughout the rest of my natural life, and had I ever created and started my own family, that is so everything in my power to give them better. The normal cliche’ of giving my kids what I didn’t have never was my goal. I never wanted to give my kids those things.

I stayed diligent to put them in position so they can give their children and their grand children everything that my children had and have.

What should our readers know about your business?
My Business is in place to assist families with the difficult challenge of getting the help they need for their loved ones with advocacy of enrollment for school, we’ve partnered with Local Law Firms to get those families in alliance to get them the paperwork needed for IEP’s, 504’s, as well as Ambulatory Referrals. I personally have sat in more than 20 IEP meetings as I stand as a Proud Mother, in the continuance of fighting for my sons rights. This organization is personal for me. I know what it feels like to need others. This is my way of giving back and helping someone else. I know the journey first hand. I’m here to stand firm with the parents, that there is hope for them. Lord knows I needed someone to hold my hand and I wasn’t lucky enough to have that support. If you’re a leader or the voice of your family and you’re in need to speak up for someone you love, you are not alone, and there is no better feeling. My business will have an event almost monthly, to shine the light on This Social Awareness daily. Autism and Special Needs is only noted once a year like most other causes and for those of us that live this life daily, our babies and loved ones, should too have a place where they can be proud of and enjoy those who share the same concerns. This is everyday life for us.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
Some of My absolute recommended places do attend if you’re visiting our local area. Definitely, and this is a shameless plug 😀 please visit The Battery, my office is surrounded by a community within itself. Not only are we on the grounds of The World Renown Atlanta Braves, should you become hungry. We have a Borage of Restaurants and Concession Stands Throughout the Corridor, my personal favorite Yard House, and a host of treats for the kids should they be tagging along with you. Absolute, great vibes and awesome energy. Catch a show at The Coca Cola Roxy, and If you decide you don’t want to leave because you haven’t seen it all, may I suggest The Omni Hotel at The Battery.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
Shoutout to my hometown church’s infamous profound leader in Detroit Michigan. Bishop Edgar Vann of Second Ebenezer Church. Moving to Atlanta due to work before the need to retire for medical reasons, my membership of this spiritual organization, helped to culminate who I am as a woman today. Spending 33 years of my life there.

**I am hosting our 1st Annual Fall Ball” October 8th, 2022 from 5pm-8pm. This is a red carpet affair for high functioning special needs children, who like my child excels EVERY report card marking. This is to honor our Spectrum Scholars with awards based on the 1st 9 weeks of school and the report card produced. Those that can, Please dress your babies up this will include plated kid friendly dinner, sensory play, and the keepsake pictures. Photobooth 360.

Shoutout to Wayne State University, in Detroit Michigan; the 1st School that I graduated from. My Dean at the time D.W. James always told me he would see me to go on to do great things and so far so good with Gods grace.

Shoutout to Autism Speaks, I have been a notable Advocate standing firm with them for 10 years and donate and walk yearly along with fundraising. Come walk with us in October at The Battery.

Streaming soon: Shout-out to hulu©️and Disney Stream©️; as we’ve partnered up with them with an approval to run our campaign ads utilizing their platform. Thank you for believing in us.

Shoutout to my Mom, and Granny Nell.
And Last but not least, shoutout to my sons. The drive and motivation behind my countless and endless hours.

Website: autismlifeadvocates.com

Instagram: life_on_your_terms_

Facebook: Autism Life Advocates

Yelp: Autism Life Advocates

Other: Business Line: 770-325-5330 Email: autismlifeadvocates@consultant.com

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.