We had the good fortune of connecting with Donna Morris and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Donna, is your business focused on helping the community? If so, how?

If you had told me ten years ago that I would be doing a shout-out feature I would probably have laughed at you and walked away. Truly God has been so amazing by bringing transformation to my life. As a woman who breaks free from limitations in the mind, I continue to share from my heart a powerful message that it is possible to experience a new mindset.  You might have heard this before that your mind is very powerful. The truth is, your feet cannot go where your mind has not been. Anyone can receive freedom in the mind, by changing the way you think and achieve anything that they set the mind to do.

That is the reason why my business of Shifting Mindsets is so important.

 For years I struggled with limitations in my mind. I never even realized that having impoverished thoughts had caused me to remain stuck in my comfort zone and not fulfilling purpose.
The very day I received the Word of God and acted on it. My life changed.
I moved to a new mindset and so this message is now impacting communities and by extension making a global impact. Mind barriers can be broken and you can live a victorious life that honors God.

Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?

As a young girl I grew up with my mother on the beautiful island of Jamaica. When I was four years old, my mother separated from my father due to the fact that she was experiencing physical abuse. Due to the separation I wasn’t aware that I had siblings. I faced abandonment issues, insecurities, rejections and lack of self-worth. Yet despite it all as I grew older I recognize that there is great purpose on my life, My mother being a single mom made sacrifices to send me to school .Her unfailing love defined motherhood and being the strong praying woman she was, she set a good example that in spite of the challenges of life, never to give up.0
I learnt the importance of hard work and the importance of having a personal relationship with God.

For years I struggled with limitations in the mind, even while going through school I would remain behind the scenes.
Entering into adulthood I never even realized that having impoverished thoughts caused me to remain stuck in my comfort zone and not fulfilling purpose.
Limited beliefs literally plagued my life that I was living in a quad for over twenty years and never made any move to do home empowerment. In 2017, I went to church one Sunday morning and a visiting preacher came and in his sermon I heard him say, “It is time to Shift”. “It is time to Move”. The truth is, I was also struggling with limited beliefs’ concerning money and so on that day, I received a shakeup in my mind. I shifted to a new mindset. The next day I went to the Housing Agency in Jamaica, to get some information about loans that were available, to my surprise I was more than qualified. I truly believe when God sends his word and if you act in faith, you can break free from a scarcity mindset and move to abundance.
Looking back at my journey I can say God has been truly amazing. Looking how far He has brought me and how I have risen above various obstacles. Today I can boldly say “No matter what your past looks like, transformation is possible”. It takes courage and commitment to overcome mind barriers and to stay focused, so you can live a life of abundance.
In 2021 I enrolled in a 9 weeks online course entitled “Mind Renewal “facilitated by Restoration of the Breach without Borders School.
This was a divine setup for me, because at the end of the course I wrote my first book. Moved to a New Mindset “Free from limitations, rejections and fears” Today I am now the Victory Author of 3 books. Look at God! Hallelujah!
I have learned many lessons on this journey. The number one fact is that you can be bold in standing against all impoverished thoughts and do not ever have to settle for a life of mediocrity. The great news is that you can embrace the new mindset that awaits you.

 As a published Author, I decided to further invest in myself and my Author brand so I enrolled in Author CEO Academy hosted by Crystal Daye.
It is an Amazing Author Community that I definitely recommend for published authors to be a part of.
Author CEO Academy is the #1 Marketing & Monetization Program for Impact-Driven Authors to move from unknown Author to Sought -After Expert by increasing their book sales, visibility and Global brand. I have seen rapid growth in many areas of my business. I invested in getting my logo done, doing professional headshots and have been featured in various platforms, including podcast interviews.
I give God thanks for the Amazing journey in faith. I experienced a blessed opportunity to have been among the Speakers at Empowered to Impact Summit 2023 .I spoke on the topic: Moving from Scarcity to Abundance.
I am available to speak at events so I can empower audience in the areas of:
☆Move From Scarcity to Abundance Mindset
☆Overcoming Limited Beliefs: Achieve Goals Bigger than You

God has been so faithful in my life.
As a Best-Selling Victory Author, Speaker, Minister, Marriage Mentor. & Certified Life Coach. I am committed to use my enthusiasm and positivity to inspire and equip others to move from limited beliefs to walking in abundance by moving to a new mindset. You will experience your best life beginning in your mind and live a victorious life that honors God.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
If my best friend was visiting Jamaica, I would definitely take her to Dunn’s River Falls in St Ann on Monday. The cool waterfalls there is Awe-Amazing that she would definitely enjoy
On Tuesday we will head to Dolphin Cove in the parish of St Ann. She will certainly enjoy the fun and entertainment with the dolphins.
On Wednesday we stop for Lunch at Port Royal, the delicious sea food is a big treat.
Thursday we go for a day of fun at Puerto Seco Beach.
Friday we go to Hope Botanical Gardens just for relaxation and also check out the zoo as well.
Saturday we head to Devon House to enjoy the ice cream.
Sunday we go to Church and have a day of worship and fellowship.
One thing for sure, I will definitely make sure she gets some Wow pictures. Capturing those moments will make her trip quite memorable.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?

I shout VICTORY! My first shout out goes to the Most High God. Indeed, I boldly declare”This is the Lord’s doing, it is marvellous in our eyes”. Psalms 118:23
In this shoutout I honour the life of my mother the late Elaine Bryan, who left God’s fingerprint of grace on my life.
I give shout outs for my family /church support
Special Shout out to my husband and son who have been very supportive with every assignment that the Lord has presented.
Big Shout out to Rev Kevon Vidal who walked in obedience to God to deliver the Word of God to release my mind.
Big Shout out to Rev Leostone Morrison, visionary @ Restoration of the Breach Without Borders
Big Shout out to Institute of Marriage & Family Affairs- Rev Vic & May Victor
Big Shout Out to Coach Crystal Daye – Author CEO Academy.

I am truly grateful to be God’s success story and to embrace what God has planned for me.

Instagram: @donnamorris_

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/donna.morris.50702?mibextid=ZbWKwL

Image Credits
Photo credits – Andrew Mckenley

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.