We had the good fortune of connecting with Derek West and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Derek, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
This has been a life long progression. I’ve always had a passion and understanding for animals. Been caring for reptiles for as long as I can remember. I was the crazy snake guy in High school. After college I started breeding as hobby. Which has grown into a large collection that’s known as Leftside Reptiles LLC (LSR).

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I’m a licensed reptile breeder with a focus on pythons and small boas. I work mainly with Ball, Woma, Angolan, Green tree, Carpet, Blood and Burmese pythons. However I have experience with so much more.
The goal of my company Leftside Reptiles LLC is to provide healthy investment quality animals to the public. While also providing any additional help to insure the longevity of said animals. I can often be found vending reptile trade shows through out the south east. Or on social media showing of my beautiful collection of scaled friends.

The biggest hardship Ive had to overcome was getting a Georgia pet dealers license through the department of agriculture. Some counties have strict regulations on private animal breeding. Mine was one of those. After a year of getting denied approval by zoning. Decided to move my family to agriculture land. Which has given me the ability to consistently expand my Facility. Way further then I would have originally.

Social impact: how does your business help the community or the world?

A large part of what I do is education. Mainly on how to properly keep your animal happy and healthy. Leftside Reptiles also attempts to educate the public as much as possible about native species of reptiles. Most wildlife bites can be avoided. By simply leaving them alone. Especially animals that you can’t identity. Which ultimately is best for all parties.

Risk taking: how do you think about risk, what role has taking risks played in your life/career?

There are so many unseen added risks when working with livestock. Uncertainties like Production, market values, government regulations, animal health and even my own health. All are major factors. Not to mention I chose to work with one of the most hated species for a living. Snakes aren’t exactly an animal thats welcomed in most house holds. They also are not a necessity. Just like any market. There will be ups and downs. Just have to adapt.

If you are a parent, what do you think is the most important thing you’ve done as a parent in terms of the impact on your children? To live and charge

I believe my children will grow up and truly see the beauty in animals. No matter what they eventually choose to do with their life’s. I hope it’s something that they have a deep love for. My job is to nurture and encourage them. I’m truly honored to have a family that has always supported my passions.

What is the most important factor behind your success / the success of your brand?

Persistence and patience

Persistence. You will fail 100% of the time if you don’t try. Nothing happens over night. Have to put in the time. I’ve failed more times then I’d like to admit. After every roadblock I’m able to further my knowledge and experience to a higher level.

Patience is truly is a virtue. Breeding snakes is a long process. Most females don’t breed for 2-3 years. The worst is waiting 55 days for the babies to actually hatch, But it’s so worth it.

How to know whether to keep going or to give up?

At this point, I wouldn’t even know how to give up. I stress a lot about the well being of my animals. There are some very tough times when working with livestock. The good days usually outweigh the bad ones. I get to create living art and share them with the world. I think that’s pretty cool.

Work life balance: how has your balance changed over time? How do you think about the balance?

I put in over 40 hours a week into my business. I always make time for my family though. Flexible hours are key. I do not have a set schedule so that makes life easier for me to manage.

What makes you happy? Why?

Family first and foremost. Then my animals. I enjoy taking care of the critters. Getting to produce high end animals that genetically have a color and pattern combination, Some of which the world has never seen before. Has to be my favorite aspect of this field.

Why did you pursue an artistic or creative career?

I’ve always been a creative person. Actually gave up a career In visual effects to pursue snake breeding. Took a little while to get going. Now that everything has come together, I wish I had pursued this as a career earlier in my life. I can only imagine where I would be now.

How do you define success?

I don’t really think in terms of success. It’s always been about new experiences for me. Our genetics expert Jonas would say it’s achieving ones goals and dreams. As a company that’s based on creativity, genetics and thriving animals we are very successful. Even though some sometimes it feels like I’m putting in more then getting out. There aren’t many things I would give this up for. I love my job.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
One of my favorite spots in the city is the aquarium. I could sit in front of the whale shark enclosure for hours. After would more than likely would end up in north Georgia riding 4wheelers trying to catch reptiles.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
The two people who had the biggest influence in my love for animals were Steve Irwin and My Dad. I mean, Crikey, how can you not love Steve Irwin and his passion for the animals he worked with on a daily basis. I saw a lot in Steve what I saw in my Dad before he passed. He had the same enthusiasm for animals. I remember when I was 7 my Dad jumped out of a Canoe in FL to catch a baby gator for me. After my Dad passed I kept up my love for animals in every way I could. My biggest supporters are my family. My wife puts up with a lot! And lastly I could not do this without my breeding partner and genetics expert Jonas Hordum.

Website: https://www.morphmarket.com/stores/leftsidereptiles

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leftsidereptiles

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leftsidereptiles

Youtube: youtube.com/c/leftsidereptiles

Other: https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPd6A6tYC/

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