Meet Denzel Davon | Musician/Artist

We had the good fortune of connecting with Denzel Davon and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Denzel, what role has risk played in your life or career?
Risks are scary, mainly because you don’t know what the outcome will be of taking a risk. Just moving on faith and hoping the thing you set out to do, has the outcome you want it to have.
Risk taking for me has been a fight up until recently. Having a family but also wanting to pursue music can be frustrating because you have to be their for the fam first and you begin to think at what point do I take this seriously enough to where I can make this something that supports my family and not just take away from them. But it has worked out so far, and I’m blessed to have support from my family while doing what I do.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
My art of music is an underground hip hop feel, but I would say my cadence and flows are what stand out on those types of beats. It definitely gives a different vibe to the underground sound overall.
To date I am most proud of my recent release ‘YALL BOYS GOT IT’ fully produced by Jonny Onetime, a producer out of Charlotte, NC. It was my first time releasing a project that I truly felt the music was really up to par and I said what needed to be said for the project. It felt great.
I can say I got to where I am professionally by taking my time but also learning from my peers. It hasn’t been easy at all, I have worked mad 9 to 5s but also having kids takes a toll. At times I would think to myself, “Am I suppose to JUST be a dad and husband” “does going after what I want end here?”. But I knew making music was really all I wanted in life. Also, having the support of my wife and her believing I can do what I doing made the weight feel lighter. I always asked questions from those around me and did my best to execute what I put my mind to for my music.
I’ve learned that nothing is ever guaranteed, you have to work for everything you want. If you wait around for what you want, it won’t wait for you. Someone else will be enjoying your blessing. Also, to reflect and acknowledge when you have to change and do different and better. Our own ways and habits can hold us back and we won’t realize it until it’s too late.
I would love for the world to know Denzel Davon as someone that strives for the best and didn’t take no for an answer. LONE BUFFALO is my slogan. Mainly because I do feel alone at times, but I don’t let that feeling take me out the game. I keep going and doing things that I know will eventually get me what I want to accomplish. And knowing I’m not truly alone, because I do have people surrounding me that are blessings along the way. I trust my system and stay true to my process.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I would have to shoutout my wife for every reason I could ever shout her out.. She’s the truth for real. Her understanding and support definitely goes a long way, and gives me more reason to go and do what I do with the music.
Image Credits
UbuntuGraphics, Jalen Marlowe, Bryant Lindsay