We had the good fortune of connecting with Dante Hancock and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Dante, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
I have always had a passion for exercise, eating healthy and making better life choices.

From the age of nine until 23; I suffered from Epilepsy which caused seizures and made it very difficult for me to have an active lifestyle.

When it came to starting my business; I believed it should involve my passion and interests.

Going from unable to perform physical activity which brought me unhappiness in my appearance to staying active daily and training others helped me relate to those struggling to make healthier life choices or getting their fitness journey started.

My past of living a sedentary lifestyle and experiencing the drawbacks makes helping others that much more enjoyable as a Personal Trainer.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
I am in the Military Reserves and also an Amateur Boxer which helped me understand how important it is to never quit.

Growing up in a Military family; it was always a personal goal to join as well; but my history of Epilepsy presented a challenge.

I was denied by the Navy in 2019 after waiting one year and then denied by the Army in 2022 after waiting almost three years.

After the Military saw me as “permanently disqualified” in 2022 due to my health history; I thought my journey pursuing the Military was over.

A few months later; the Navy called offering to re-enlist and after explaining of my past attempts with the Military; they still wanted to submit for approval.

In less than four months; I was approved which allowed me to serve the United States and represent this country.

My Epilepsy had to be corrected through a brain operation at the age of 17. My seizures thankfully went away at the age of 22 and I finally started to experience what it felt like to be normal.

After several years and adapting to being normal; I wondered if my Epilepsy was actually gone and I wanted to test the health of my brain.

I decided to pursue Boxing with dreams of competing and also helping others in the sport as well. I currently Box primarily for fitness purposes and enjoy training others.

Thankfully; my Epilepsy has not returned even after experiencing the stress of the Military and enduring punches to the head in the tough sport of Boxing.

It was certainly not an easy journey; but with the support of my wife and my own perseverance of joining the Military and Boxing; I was able to make strides to get to where I am today and continuously find the motivation to keep going.

The main lesson learned was no matter how challenging and distant your goals are; keep pursing them.

My story is the perfect example of pushing for more even when you reach your milestone.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I reside in Atlanta Georgia which is known for being eventful on all seven days of the week whether you are downtown or outside of the downtown area.

My go to spot is the StateFarm arena which is known for having concerts and performances even during the week. Well known artists even legendary ones like Janet Jackson and Usher are known for performing there.

Outside of musical shows; Atlanta is known for the sporting teams such as the Atlanta Falcons, Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets and Atlanta Hawks which makes sport events fun to watch.

The food is very diverse and cultural as it is one of the cities that many come to in hopes of making a name for themselves.

Whether you enjoy Southern Food, Asian Cuisine or Jamaican Dishes; you will find a variety of new things to eat in Atlanta.

Atlanta is know for its creative crowd of people such as Musicians, Magicians and Improv Artists. What makes the city spontaneous is that there is no set routine of events and finding one that fits your preference is the most fun part.

Depending on the season; the events vary; but there are always events to enjoy whether you are downtown or outside the city.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I credit my wife Melanie Hancock in helping me make the strides towards becoming a Personal Trainer. She has been a go getter from the day we met which inspired me to be one as well.

Raised in the busy towns of Las Vegas and Santa Barbara California; my wife was accustomed to living in areas where pursuing your goal was normal.

I was raised in a small town where change was rare and I was struggling to take that leap of faith towards pursuing my goals.

From the day we met; her personality and mindset helped me take risks and accept that change is needed.

It was a challenging process adapting to the mindset I was always meant for; but it was well worth it and my wife is who I always appreciate for helping me.

Website: https://www.ift.training/

Instagram: https://instagram.com/inferno_fitness_training?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA%3D%3D&utm_source=qr

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100075861010499&mibextid=LQQJ4d

Other: SNAPCHAT: https://snapchat.com/t/5rJGfiLW

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