We had the good fortune of connecting with Cedric Brooks and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Cedric, is there a quote or affirmation that’s meaningful to you?
I have several quotes that I rely on, but the one I generally use the most is, “It is what it is”. The quote addresses life’s challenges and circumstances. It keeps me level headed by reminding me that things happen the way they happen, so adjust, adapt, and move on. The bible says, “All things happen for good, for those who love God” (my paraphrase). Earth, Wind and Fire sing, “Life is fair but just uncool”. In others words the world only comes to an end if you make it so. Just push through.

In have had challenges, trials, tragedies, struggles, and illness in my life. None have ended it. I am still yet standing. Adopting the philosophy, “It is what it is”, means I move forward not backwards and allow each situation that presents itself to me to help me to grow.

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Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
I’m not really sure if I can pinpoint what separates me from others. I try to focus on me and what I think will provide the best to all who trust me to capture their moment. Clients will do the setting apart when they believe in your vision for them. I just let the chips fall where they may.

I have had businesses I’ve shot with for years that continue to call on me. My goal is to always build and foster relationships. Therefore if I screw up, they’ll give me another chance, LOL! Seriously though, I want people to know that I am invested in their vision and not their pocketbooks.

What I’m most proud of is simple, I still have eyes to see and a mind that remains creative. I am a mere infant growing in multiverse of ideas and thought.

I believe this journey has been relatively easy for me because I have never chased the money. There have been jobs I didn’t get when I thought I should have. Then there have been jobs that I received, that to this day I’m amazed at how they came to me. You overcome challenges by using them as building block and stepping stones to success.

Most recently, my photo booth business has opened up new doors, furthering more opportunity for growth.

I want the world to know that integrity is important to me. Respect comes next. Everything hinges on those two. I want to build relationships, not clients. Trust me, trust the process, and we will find success.

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Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
Most of my friends know that I don’t really hang out, but I do enjoy the city. I am a vegan so most of my friends know eating with me is an experiment for them. Atlanta is growing in plant based eateries, so selections are growing. When it comes to eating beyond vegan, I consult my socially astute, culinary informed daughter. Whatever she says I go with it. I do however try to stay with black owned restaurants as much as possible. Life Bistro is a good vegan stop and for fast food Planted Express. And not so fast fast food is of course Tassili’s.

Most outings for me are music, There are several Jazz spots or spots that host jazz occasionally around Atlanta, St’ James Live, Ten Atl, Velvet Note, Cafe Songhai, Frozen Smoke, Kat’s Cafe, Backstage and more. I do concerts as well. Spivey Hall is my favorite for sound. I love that place. If It’s summer I would try to get them to come for one of Norcross’ Jazz In The Alley. Truly a vibe.

I enjoy plays also. One of my favorite spots is Theatrical Outfit and 7 Stages.

The museums are hit and miss for me. I do love the Hammond House.

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Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Wow! that list might be too long for an article, but in the collective is God, family and then the entire creative community, both visual and sound. I know that The Creator has a master plan for my life. I just try to be obedient and stay on the path. Sometimes that is more difficult than it sounds.

My family is the epitome of love and support. They believe in me and my craft, even when I don’t see it. My mother is 95 and living strong. She never fails to encourage. My wife puts up with my tireless hours of shooting and late night editing by just shaking her head….and not kicking me out, LOL.

I say the entire creative community because I am a student and sponge of all creative work. When it comes to visual, I look at hundreds of photographers and videographers from all genres internationally. I learn from everybody. I am a big Gordon Parks and James Van Der Zee fan because they captured not just people, but history. There are contemporaries too. When you look at my social media accounts, over 90% of the people I follow are photographers.

Then there is sound. Music drives my thought. I’m a big jazz head. I hear it in my head when I am creating. No matter what I am doing.

Instagram: @visualexpressions919, @photoexpressions919, @inmomentphotoatl

Other: email: visualexp919@gmail.com
phone: (678)696-0031

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Image Credits
All photos taken by me with permission to be used.

Pharoah Sanders and Kingfish, courtesy of Coltrane Jazz & Blues Festival although taken by me.

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.