We had the good fortune of connecting with Ashley Cunningham and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Ashley, can you talk to us a bit about the social impact of your business?
In 2020, New Credit Inc created a DIY Facebook page named New Credit Inc University that allows followers to use all the tools such as letters, hacks, and education to repair their credit and build business credit themselves at NO CHARGE. New Credit Inc University has countless followers that have taken advantage of this DIY Page and purchased homes, and cars, created businesses, established business credit, and broken generational curses of debt through education and changing their mindsets. As of today, New Credit Inc has a following of 7k active followers that are engaged and eager to move their feet in a positive direction not only for themselves but for their families.
Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
New Credit Inc Consulting Firm is a unique credit repair company that not only educates but also changes the mindsets of the client. New Credit Inc Consulting Firm is best known for the results we produce and the countless lives that have been changed; I ignore the noise and remain focused on living in my purpose, which is to change lives one client at a time. The lesson that I have taken away since being in business is that everyone is not your client, and guess what it is OK! There have been tough times, don’t get me wrong, but when you have the desire, nothing deters you from the reason you even started the business. I want the world that NEW Credit Inc Consulting Firm is a passionate, purpose-driven company with a heart for educating and building credit, both personal and business, for individuals ready to have life-changing mindsets that will empower and break generational curses as it pertains to finances.
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
There are a few people that have impacted my life this season that I would be remiss if I did not mention, and I truly believe in giving credit where credit is due. I first must mention my loyal husband who allows me to be me even if that means staying up in bed with my laptop eating gummies and now & laters until we hours of the night without any complaint. I must mention my best friend Kimberly “Tell it Like IT IS” Knight, for allowing me to pitch my ideas and always giving me honest, thorough feedback whether I want to hear it. I dare not forget to mention my make it happens that have bought balance to my office Alecia McCants (my sister) and Tasha Richey- Brazile. And last but not least, I have to mention the mentor of mentors, Ms. Rem Smith, this lady has pushed me to heights and woke a beast in me that scares me at times.
Website: newcreditinc@newcreditinc.org
Instagram: ceoashdalifechnager
Facebook: New Credit Inc University
Image Credits
Ceasar Moffat