Meet Angelique Bates | Actress, Recording Artist, & Motivational Speaker

We had the good fortune of connecting with Angelique Bates and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Angelique, we’d love to hear about how you approach risk and risk-taking
We all take risk in our lives. It’s just making sure they are smart risks and make sense. That decision is what makes and breaks a lot of people. Taking risks has played a lot of roles in my life/career. Some were reckless and when I look back it really didn’t make any sense and it did not do anything but create delays and extra obstacles I had to overcome. But those risks did contribute to my growth and learning how to take smarter risks.
Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
I am a legend and veteran in the entertainment business. When my mother put me in the industry, I had no idea what was in store or the responsibilities that would come with it. I had no idea how many lives I would impact even still to this day. It has played a major influence in the roles I accept and the kind of music I continue to make. I was the first actress on “All That” of West Indian and Indigenous decent and who wore their natural hair up until Season 2. I have had so many children and adults of color tell me that just seeing another person that looked just like them on screen empowered them and gave them the motivation to pursue their dreams. I also just had a young Caucasian girl who couldn’t have been over 10 years old run up to me with wide eyes because she realized I was from “All That”. And then she gave me the biggest hug. With racism still very much alive in the world and hate being taught and planted into young minds, moments like those remind me of the importance of my position and influence in this world. We really have to be careful of what we feed the youth especially if we want to stop the toxic direction the world is rapidly going in.
When I’m not in front of or behind the camera or microphone I am a Motivational Speaker, Spiritual Life Coach, and I do a lot of humanitarian work across the world. I’ve had supporters reach out to me because they were suicidal, had addictions, molested, abused, parenting struggles, homeless, etc. and confided in me because they had nobody who would listen. Those experiences led me to open up even more about my trials and tribulations such as attempted suicide and being a rape and domestic violence survivor to name a few because so many felt like I couldn’t relate. Mostly because they assume that a lot of public figures are living perfect lives. Trust and believe your favorite verified and non-verified public figure has fought a few or more inner demons and some still are fighting their inner demons behind those smiles.
When you have been doing this since 9 months old it is all you know. Anything outside of that is unfamiliar ground. Due to unexpected delays occurring you have to swim or learn how to unless you want to drown. And I’m not drowning. My faith is what got me through all of my trials and tribulations. And it still does. There has been a hand full of real ones that were brought into my life as well to guide me successfully through my journey. Much gratitude and love to them always.
I’ve learned to never give up. Our battles increase the closer we are to our destiny. No matter how hard it gets shake it off and keep going. The reason why there never seems to be light at the end of the tunnel is because the light has been in us the whole time. We just have to stop self-sabotaging and allowing others to dim our light. And be very cautious of the company we keep. A lot of us have enemies in our camp right at this very moment but don’t realize it because we call them flings, significant others, family, friend, co-worker, employer, etc. Crying and confiding to the enemy. A lot of people realize our greatness before we even do. A lot of the chaos in the world is because people refuse to let go of their trauma, toxicity, and ego. Some people would rather go around and interrupt/destroy other people’s journeys and peace instead of healing themselves and growing.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Grip’s Good Eats Of Atlanta
Slutty Vegan
Starr Food Lounge
Places To Go:
Paint N Sit Atl
Any Nature Park
Shooting Range
Horseback Riding
ATV Riding
Fun Spot
Save The Video Store
The Zen Bar
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
My mother deserves credit and recognition. Despite the dark turns that occurred in our lives and it being a double edged sword, if it wasn’t for her when it came to certain situations or just existing I would not be the public figure so many know today. And I wouldn’t have been able to positively touch so many lives.
Image Credits
Photographer: Motionn Crew