We had the good fortune of connecting with AMUNHOTEP and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi AMUNHOTEP, how do you think about risk?
By embracing risk, I have expanded my creative horizons and cultivated a sense of resilience and perseverance. I’ve learned throughout my experiences that failure is not something to fear but rather an opportunity to learn and grow. I have never been one to shy away from challenges or play it safe. Instead, I always approach these challenges with curiosity and determination. It’s in these moments of uncertainty, that you discover your greatest strengths and unlock your true potential as a creative. Every new project, collaboration, and challenge presents a chance to step into the unknown to test your creativity’s limits and push beyond what you or others may think is possible. Each risk I have taken has been a catalyst for transformation and adaptation, and pushing me forward on the path God paved for me. I have learned to keep faith in God and trust my instincts, embrace failure as a stepping stone towards wanted success, and NEVER settle for mediocrity.
Ultimately, developing this mindset has left me with a very helpful acronym to share with you all: R.I.S.K.= Receive Insight and Share Knowledge. Meaning, that the person who chooses to take the risk toward their goals, regardless of their circumstances, will now be embedded with the knowledge of how to achieve said goal. And I challenge you fellow risk-takers to share what you’ve learned on your journey so that it may inspire the rest. I humbly invite you all on this journey of Solomon Muse Productions with me. Let us embrace the unknown, challenge the status quo, and dare to still dream BIG. It is through taking risks that we truly come alive, that we discover and master our true purposes, and that we all leave a lasting legacy that inspires others to do the same. Take risks, defy expectations, and create a future where all our dreams are reality.
Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
My art is a culmination of my passion for storytelling, visual expression, and musical arts. As a multifaceted filmmaker and creative, I strive to push the boundaries of traditional filmmaking/fashion and create work that is innovative, impactful, and emotionally resonant. What sets me apart from others is my undying commitment to exploring new perspectives, experimenting with different techniques, and collaborating with a diverse range of talented individuals to bring the vision to life. There are far more reasons but you’ll have to come along for the ride.
I am most proud of my ability to fuse the worlds of fashion, film, photography, music, writing, and other art forms seamlessly, creating a unique aesthetic that is both visually stunning and narratively compelling. I’m constantly excited about the endless possibilities that every new project presents to me, the chance to challenge myself creatively, and the opportunity to inspire others and connect with audiences on a deeper level.
I have faced countless challenges, setbacks, and moments of self-doubt along the way. However, it is through overcoming these obstacles and my unwavering faith in God, that I have grown stronger, more prudent, and more determined to succeed. In the most recent project, I took the helm as Production/Project Manager for our sold-out fashion show. We hosted at the Marietta Cobb Museum of Art, sold over 250 seats, and involved live instrumentalists, contemporary dancers, artwork, 5 designers, and 15 models. We made history that night and will continue to do even greater shows.
What I want the world to know about me and my production company, Solomon Muse Productions., is that we are not just storytellers or a brand, but dreamers, visionaries, and agents of positive change. I am dedicated to creating work that challenges conventions, sparks conversations, and inspires others to think differently. My story is one of passion, determination, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. I implore you all to keep growing.
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
Being new to the city myself I won’t know all the local specialties but we’d have to go to each museum of art. We’d also go to some car shows and possibly first Fridays at the Underground hosted by York Promotions. we also would go to multiple restaurants throughout the city and outskirts. If they’d like to hiking or fishing with me we can also get out in nature.
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
God has blessed me with like-minded creatives with a similar drive throughout this journey and I cannot fully express my gratitude to him and for them. Shout out to my family, and to my city Palm Beach. Shout out to inspirational artists that I’ve met and collaborated with like Quamay over at Ordiefly Original(Designer, Photographer), Mpoyi(CD, Published Model, Stylist), 1AORylo(Musical Artist, Actor), Tell Beall at Cam Kirk studios(Photographer, Director), Asia Ferguson with SEVENTY7 Magazine(CD, writer), Prince Osei(Designer, Model), Pernell Assumin(Designer, Model), Cai aka BEEP(Designer, Seamstress), Heemthevillain(Director, Photographer), Joshua “JT” Thomas(Model, Stylist), Devon Smith(Photographer, Director), Hadiyah Glover(Choreographer), Azyla Zallelu(CD, Show Coordinator, Model), Josh Haynes with JAHs WAY collection (Artist), Marietta Cobb Museum of Art and so many others who have played vital roles throughout this creative journey. My hats off to these artists and I look forward to the future of art with us and many other creatives at the helm.
Instagram: amunhoteps, solomonmuseprod
Image Credits
1. Photographer: TELL BEALL 2. Photographer: Myself 3. Photographer: Myself 4. Photographer: Darius Parker 5. Photographer: Darius Parker 6. Graphic Designer: Myself 7. Graphic Designer: Myself 8. Photographer: Myself