We had the good fortune of connecting with Alicia Flanagan – Mccoggle and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Alicia, what do you attribute your success to?
The most important factor behind my success is staying true to myself. Often times we find ourselves comparing our success to others. I can admit I would beat myself up about not being where I wanted to be mainly because I compared myself to someone else. When I began trusting myself and my craft and believing in me, nothing else mattered. Believing and trusting myself is why my brand will continue to be successful in my eyes.
What should our readers know about your business?
AliciaDion Beauty Spa offers a wide variety of mind and body healing and beauty services. We’re a unique skin care boutique offering unique facials and body treatments that will refresh, rejuvenate, and relax your entire body. We’ve carefully selected skin care and body care products that are formulated with natural botanical ingredients. AliciaDion Beauty will provide you with the finest treatments available in a beautiful, zen environment and to help you develop a healthy lifestyle through a wide range of personalized beauty services including spa and machine facials, lash extensions and waxing services. Starting my own spa business was not easy. When I finished Esthetic school they taught us to work for another spa before owning our own. So, when I graduated I knew I wanted my own spa but I lacked the confidence. How would I build a clientele? Where do I start? I did a lot of second guessing. To my surprise I was able to start my own business as soon as I graduated. I finished school April 2018. I sacrificed a lot I worked hard. My business started May 2018. The first year was hard; I was working a full time job and doing my business after work part time. I was able to quit my full time job at a law firm September 3, 2019 to work my business full time. I will never forget that day. I was so nervous but I was already making my bi weekly Salary in a matter of days. I knew it was time. Trusting and believing in myself and having an amazing support team is what encouraged me to make it all happen.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I would first book us a spa day at The Woodhouse Day spa in Dunwoody. We would enjoy a relaxing facial and body treatments. After our spa day we would have brunch at the one of the best Mexican restaurants in Atlanta “the Atlanta Bone Garden Cantina“. We love our margaritas. We would spend the remaining days visiting historic black landmarks in Atlanta. Such as MLK, Jr. Birth Home, National Center for Civil and Human Rights, Atlanta’s civil rights museum, King Center: The Martin Luther King Center for Nonviolent Social Change and many more. We would enjoy anywhere that have an amazing view of the city. We would to enjoy black owned restaurants and shop at black owned stores.
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I never understood the saying “ It takes a village…” until I became an adult. I would like to shout out my husband because he has picked me up and carried me through out this process. When I second guessed going to night school, while working full time. He was there to tell reassure me that he will continue to hold our household down and take care of our son. When I wanted to give up he told me I couldn’t and motivated to keep pushing on my worse days. He has been my receptionist, my maintenance man, my mentor and my backbone through it all. I can’t thank him enough for helping and motivating me to achieve my goals.
Website: www.aliciadion.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aliciadion_beauty/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aliciadionbeauty/?ref=bookmarks
Other: https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk00OfaUFMdDk7D96EcWIOONczBXfGA%3A1591025112159&source=hp&ei=2B3VXr3bBsKWsAXV4JKIBg&q=aliciadion+beauty&oq=aliciadion+beauty&gs_lcp=ChFtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1ocBADOgcIIxDqAhAnOgQIIxAnOgQIABBDOgcIABCDARBDOgIIADoKCC4QFBCHAhCTAjoCCC46BAguEEM6BwgAEBQQhwI6BwguEEMQkwI6BwguEIMBEEM6BAgAEAo6BAguEAo6BggAEAoQHjoHCCEQChCgAVCCGFjXigFgpo4BaAZwAHgAgAG3AYgB-A-SAQQxNi42mAEAoAEBsAEP&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-hp#lkt=LocalPoiReviews&trex=m_t:lcl_akp,rc_f:nav,rc_ludocids:10651585476620848356,rc_q:AliciaDion%2520Beauty%252C%2520LLC,ru_q:AliciaDion%2520Beauty%252C%2520LLC