We had the good fortune of connecting with Alex McCully and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Alex, we’d love to hear more about how you thought about starting your own business?
How do I get a whole bunch of people to believe in what I believe in. Number one question that came to my mind after I drew up my business plan. Who is going to believe me? Who is going to think, traveling, and culture, and different palates of cultural dishes, dope street art, and celebrity culture can all be combined together. Me! I think its cool. Then I had a second thought of, don’t worry about what others may say, think, or do , just do you! So I just started creating, and learning, and implementing , and testing things out, and putting together the things that interests myself and kept going. It was only until my first time out as a tour guide that I learned, it wasn’t about me it was about them. The ones who needed the convenience of a tour guide, the ones that needed to hear the untold history of the culture, the adventurous ones, and the people who think outside of the box. So I guess to say there was not a lot of thought process behind it, just me and my curios mind about the world we live in.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
My career was crafted and combined of all the skills that I acquired over the years. It’s really funny because I never dreamed of working for myself, being an entrepreneur , have people pay me for my skills because after college, I didn’t know what I wanted to do, how to get there, what to do or anything. I just knew how to apply for jobs, flash a nice smile or two and agree to whatever terms they told me. But after being fired from several great jobs, I had to take a step back and say why me? I show up, on time, I work hard, I get along with the customers, I uphold your name and you let me go? But then I said, what I do show up every day, I work hard, I love speaking to guests, so why not do it myself for my own company? So my arrival to entrepreneurship came out of a must, I was running out of places to apply and the hospitality game was changing. Getting to where I am today really came out of my personal curiosity of travel and an idea that I put down on paper November of 2019. Everything I saw, I the food I liked, the murals that I passed by I became fascinated with, I wanted to know the story behind it. I wanted to find out all about Atlanta and then some. But of course it didn’t come easy. Large in part because majority of the people that lived in the city had no clue about the city. Other than nightlife and top 3 brunch spots they attended on a Sunday afternoon. So guess the journey to understanding the history wasn’t that easy. But neither was learning sales, getting rejected multiple times because no one understood my low level business talk and what I was trying to accomplish.

I knew nothing of how to start a business. But what I did do was stay consistent, and curious, and informed. I read, I started asking questions, I became a student of Atlanta and even went to the library ( had to research those because all I remember was Google.com). So if I have a piece of advice to anyone wanting to create a movement, it would be do what you like. Try everything and fail at everything! Write the idea down rough draft and all and be consistent. Everyday is not going to be happy, busy, productive and exciting. You have to create the world you want.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Well if I tell you that then I would be blowing up my own spot. I would say this though, Atlanta is a melting pot of all sorts of cultures, skills, creatives, personalities and crafts. At times is no ideal place to go because Atlanta at times is unpredictable.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
My team, my community, the ones I could call on when I knew nothing of how to start a business. Also the community that my business is creating deserves all the recognition.

Website: https://hopngotours.com/

Instagram: https://instagram.com/hopngotours

Twitter: https://twitter.com/hopngotours

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HopNGoToursATL/

Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/hopngo-tours-atlanta-2

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.