We had the good fortune of connecting with Jiayu Liu and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Jiayu, is your business focused on helping the community? If so, how?
In my role as an automotive UX designer, my primary objective is to optimize the user experience throughout every stage of the vehicle usage journey. This entails a comprehensive approach, encompassing the initial touch points of brand visual identity to the intricacies of the vehicle’s control systems. A meticulously crafted UX system holds the potential to enhance user satisfaction on multiple fronts.
Firstly, the automotive UX system is dedicated to delivering paramount values such as convenience, comfort, and safety during driving. Our system is designed to facilitate intuitive interactions aligned with user expectations. Through the provision of clear visual cues and a coherent information architecture, the interfaces within the vehicle efficiently convey essential information, thereby meeting user requirements while minimizing cognitive load. This not only fosters a sense of safety but also bolsters confidence in human-machine interactions.
Secondly, our focus extends beyond mere functionality to cultivating a user experience that engenders trust and reliability. A well-designed in-vehicle UX interface serves as a dependable companion, adept at adapting to and learning from user behaviors. Much like a trusted partner, the system evolves over time, continually refining its capabilities to better serve the user. Furthermore, a thoughtfully crafted automotive UX system is attuned to users’ psychological needs, offering support in alleviating traffic-induced stress, providing timely reminders of upcoming commitments, and even exhibiting elements of personality to forge deeper connections.
Moreover, the underlying design philosophy of automotive UX revolves around redefining the temporal and experiential dimensions of travel. For instance, daily commutes, often characterized by repeated routines, can be revitalized through innovative UX design interventions. By offering diverse and engaging experiences, we seek to transform mundane journeys into opportunities for enrichment and discovery. At the heart of this approach lies a commitment to respecting and optimizing users’ time, thereby enhancing their overall travel experiences.

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Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
Throughout my professional journey, I have traversed diverse career paths, each marked by its own challenges and opportunities for growth. Initially, my academic pursuits led me to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design & Mechanical Engineering. However, despite my initial enthusiasm, I was struggling to keep passionate in this field.
It was during this period of self-reflection that the emergence of electric vehicles ignited a spark within me, propelling me towards a newfound interest in car design. Despite my limited experience in sketching and rendering, I embarked on this uncharted territory with determination and resolve. Initially, my lack of proficiency in sketching placed me at a disadvantage, rendering me one of the least skilled students in my class.
However, through unwavering dedication and the invaluable support of my family, friends, and mentors, I confronted my insecurities and embraced the uncertainties of this new path. This helped me landed an internship opportunity as an interior designer at Didi Chuxing, a mobility service company in China.
Subsequently, while immersed in the realm of car design, I recognized the vast potential within the field of automotive user experience (UX) design. Driven by a profound interest in UX design and research, I made the pivotal decision to pivot once more, transitioning my career trajectory to specialize as an automotive UX designer. This transition led me to General Motors, where I embarked on a fulfilling career journey in automotive UX design.
Navigating these career transitions was very challenging. The prospect of starting anew and the inherent risks involved often left me grappling with feelings of overwhelming anxiety. Conquering the fear of failure became a central theme in my life, as I grappled with the uncertainty of embarking on unfamiliar paths.
Yet, amidst these uncertainties, I came to realize the importance of confronting pivotal moments with optimism and trust in my intuition. While the future remains unpredictable, I learned to place greater emphasis on embracing the present moment and wholeheartedly believing in the choices I make.
Moreover, I gradually came to appreciate how my diverse background spanning multiple industries enriched my knowledge and imbued me with unique perspectives in my work. Far from being a liability, my varied experiences became a cornerstone of my professional identity, setting me apart and endowing me with invaluable insights that continue to shape my contributions to the industry.

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If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
For a week-long trip in Detroit, the iconic Renaissance Center is the first stop I recommended. Stands as a beacon of architectural prowess, boasting a complex of seven interconnected skyscrapers that dominate the downtown skyline. Perched along the Detroit International Riverfront, the center offers panoramic vistas that extend across the river to Canada, serving as a poignant reminder of the city’s strategic location. Owned and utilized as the global headquarters of General Motors, it symbolizes Detroit’s enduring legacy in the automotive industry.
Delving deeper into Detroit’s automotive heritage, the Henry Ford Museum offers an immersive journey through time, chronicling the evolution of transportation and innovation. Meanwhile, the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) invites visitors to explore the city’s cultural heritage through a diverse collection of art spanning centuries and continents. From ancient artifacts to contemporary masterpieces, these institutions serve as repositories of Detroit’s collective memory and artistic expression.
Bars in Detroit will never let you down. As the sun sets over the city, Detroit’s vibrant nightlife comes alive, beckoning travelers to unwind and indulge in its eclectic array of bars and lounges. Whether sipping craft cocktails in trendy speakeasies or enjoying live music in bustling taverns, the city’s bar scene offers something for every taste and inclination.
In essence, Detroit is a city brimming with possibilities, where each corner reveals a new facet of its compelling narrative. Whether tracing its industrial roots, marveling at artistic masterpieces, or simply savoring its spirited nightlife, a sojourn in Detroit promises an unforgettable adventure that celebrates the city’s enduring spirit and cultural vitality..

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The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
I have received invaluable support from numerous people throughout my journey, and without their guidance, I would not be where I am today. To express my heartfelt gratitude, I wish to acknowledge two individuals specially who have been instrumental in providing me with unwavering support and empowerment.

Reflecting back on my days as a student at the School of Mechanical Engineering, I faced a pivotal moment when I grappled with the decision of whether to pursue a design career in the automotive industry or remain on my original path as a mechanical engineer. The weight of uncertainty and the looming possibility of failure consumed me, immobilizing me with indecision.

During this tumultuous time, my father reached out to me. Despite being aware of the daunting challenges that lay ahead and the potential risks associated with deviating from my initial trajectory, he chose not to dwell on the hardships or uncertainties. Instead, with unwavering support, he simply uttered: “Car design sounds fun! Let’s do it.”
Even now, I can vividly recall the reassurance in his voice, which pierced through the darkness of my doubts, instantly dispelling my uncertainty. His unwavering encouragement, embodied in those simple words, infused me with newfound strength, allowing me to cast aside my apprehensions and pursue my dream with unwavering resolve.
Throughout my journey, from pursuing my master’s degree at ArtCenter College of Design to eventually securing employment in the United States, my mentor Hideichi Misono played a pivotal role. Our conversations consistently sparked fresh perspectives and ignited new passions within my design endeavors. Leveraging his wealth of knowledge and industry experience, Professor Misono imparted invaluable lessons, guiding me towards achieving my aspirations. His unwavering support and encouragement served as a catalyst, propelling me towards realizing my dreams and striving for even greater heights.

Website: https://lorrainejade.github.io

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jiayu-liu-8456731b3

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Image Credits
JIAYU LIU(Lorraine)

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.