We had the good fortune of connecting with Ashley Brooks and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Ashley, how has your work-life balance changed over time?

When reflecting on the evolution of my work-life balance over time, I find it crucial to address the common misconception surrounding entrepreneurship and freedom of schedule. While many aspire to venture into entrepreneurship for the autonomy it promises, the reality often unfolds differently. As an entrepreneur in the real estate industry, my schedule isn’t dictated by traditional office hours, but rather revolves around the needs and timelines of my clients.

My initial motivation for entering the real estate field stemmed from a desire for flexibility to be there for my son and his sports activities, especially after his father passed away when he was three years old. I was determined not to miss out on these moments due to the constraints of a traditional 9-5 job with limited PTO. Despite this intention, I soon realized that my entrepreneurial pursuits brought unforeseen challenges. I was allowed to physically be present but I was often mentally distracted. Maintaining constant availability for clients became a crucial priority, as they were the primary source of my income.

In contrast to a conventional 9-5 job where I could clock out at the end of the day, my journey in real estate demanded an initial investment of over 60+ hours per week during my first couple of years. Even now, in my sixth year, late nights spent in my home office are not uncommon as I work on deals and next phases for my business. However, with time, I’ve learned to carve out moments of balance amidst the hustle.

For instance, I’ve designated Mondays as my administrative day, deliberately keeping it non client facing. This allows me the space to attend to household chores, engage in necessary administrative tasks, set my schedule for the week, and even prioritize personal activities like therapy. As a result, I’ve been able to connect more with my son when he comes home from school and discuss upcoming weekly plans and goals.

Achieving balance remains a daily process, fluctuating with the flow of business demands. While I now prioritize being mentally present alongside physical presence, it’s a conscious effort that requires constant reevaluation and adjustment. Unlike traditional employment, where weekends were spent off enjoying personal time, entrepreneurship blurs the boundaries between work and personal life, necessitating adaptability and resilience.

Despite its allure, entrepreneurship conceals the relentless dedication and sacrifices demanded for success. The narrative often overlooks the countless hours invested and the inherent struggle to maintain a work and life. However, in spite of the challenges, I’ve come to appreciate the value of  balance, recognizing its significance in sustaining both personal well-being and professional growth.

Always keep in mind that being mentally present is just as crucial as being physically present in moments.


Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?

As a Realtor serving the DC and MD area, I believe I am “Your Preferred Realtor” among the multitude of professionals available. Buying a home isn’t just about the aesthetics; it’s an investment and a numbers game. What sets me apart is my understanding that your first home is a stepping stone, not your forever home. It’s the initial investment vehicle that propels you towards your next home, leading eventually to your forever home.

Not everyone dreams of becoming a landlord or real estate mogul, but the process should be approached strategically nonetheless. It’s about crafting a thoughtful plan to achieve your goals within the next 2, 5, 7, or 10 years. I take pride in my grasp of market trends and growth areas, ensuring my clients are fully informed about the financial aspects of each deal.

Real estate is a personal journey, and it’s also subjective. What works for one person may not work for another, so it’s essential to adapt to each client’s unique needs and preferences.

Throughout my real estate journey, I take pride in my commitment to inspiring the next generation of realtors. I frequently engage with underprivileged communities and schools to introduce students to the world of real estate. In these areas, real estate opportunities are often overlooked, and the potential it holds remains undiscovered. Being a resource for these students, providing exposure to the possibilities within real estate, is important to me. I strive to make real estate accessible and achievable for all no matter your background.

The path to where I stand today hasn’t been easy; it’s been an emotional rollercoaster. Resilience and a sink-or-swim mindset got me to where I am now. There’s a saying I came up with that I live by to help overcome the hard times:

“Everyone has a sad story; the truth is no one cares. I don’t say this from a space of not being sympathetic or empathetic towards you. I say this from a space of knowing the world simply does not care. The world is not going to give you a break because life was hard for you. You are not provided with a pass at life because you have a few sad stories to tell. Allow your sad story to fuel your purpose. Your sad story can very well save someone, but no one will know your sad story until you make it. Because the truth is, the world doesn’t care about your sad story until you make it so go make it.” Ashley Brooks

The most valuable lesson I’ve gained from my business journey is embracing failure. Understanding that failure is not a setback but a stepping stone; the sooner you fail, the faster you can pivot and try again. It may sound cliché, but the reality is that uncertainty is a part of the journey. The worst-case scenario is failure, but even then, it offers valuable lessons to learn from them. One of my favorite quotes, attributed to Erin Hanson, “There is freedom waiting for you, On the breezes of the sky, And you ask ‘What if I fall?’ Oh but my darling, What if you fly?”.

My brand is dedicated to the motherless and fatherless child navigating the uncertainties of growing up in a system designed to confine you. I want you to understand your worth, to recognize you are not defined by your past, and your circumstances do not dictate your future. You possess the capability to shape your own destinies, surpassing any limitations. The world holds limitless opportunities, don’t fear stepping outside that box to find them. Never be afraid to make new friends and leave old friends behind. When you hear “Oh she/he thinks she/he’s too good now” know that you are. You are too good to be associated with the negatives of your past. You owe nothing to anyone but yourself. Find inspiration in people, places, and things, but let your intrinsic motivation be your driving force. You are your why, your story is your why and I can’t wait to hear your story because your story matters.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
During your week-long visit to the DMV, let’s start with some tourist attractions on Monday to ease into the week. We can begin by visiting the Hirshhorn Museum, followed by a tour of the National Museum of African American History and Culture. On Tuesday, we’ll indulge in Taco Tuesday at dLena on K St, where you can enjoy Mexican cuisine, drinks, and live music in the basement. Wednesday will be dedicated to shopping at Tysons and experiencing the immersive virtual reality of Sandbox VR. Thursday evening, we’ll head to Mr. Braxton’s for live music and great food. If you’re into clubbing, Friday offers Abigail’s or 12 Stories at The Wharf. A visit to Navy Yard is a must-do while in DC, and don’t forget to grab coffee from The Wydown on H St. Saturday and Sunday will be reserved for leisurely brunches that may extend into the entire day. And for a unique experience, consider venturing into Virginia for a winery trip; one of my favorites is Potomac Winery in Stafford VA.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?

The backbone of my success story revolves around my core friend group, my mentor, Lakeesha Washington, my clients and my 7th grade English teacher Mrs. Merrick. Initially, Lakeesha was a mentor figure who gradually evolved into the mother figure I never had. She fostered a nurturing environment where mistakes were embraced, failure was deemed acceptable, and criticism was utilized for growth. Lakeesha exposed me to opportunities and rooms I had never deemed possible, instilling a level of confidence I never knew I possessed. As a mentor, she often emphasized that my success was a measure of her effectiveness, pushing me to exceed her accomplishments. During moments of self-doubt, she believed in me, seeing potential that I struggled to recognize in myself.

To my group of friends who supported me without a hint of doubt when I decided to quit my corporate job and transition into real estate full-time, thank you. Your assistance during hard times, whether financially or emotionally, provided invaluable support. Your non-judgmental ears and unwavering encouragement helped me navigate failures along the way. Your belief in me and refusal to entertain the idea of me leaving my job to sell real estate was a mistake that breathed life back into my aspirations.

To my clients, I extend my deepest gratitude for entrusting me to guide you through one of life’s most significant purchases. Your trust and confidence in me have been the cornerstone of my career. Without all of you, my dream of becoming “Your Preferred Realtor” would remain just that – a dream. I am forever grateful for each of you and the indispensable roles you’ve played in my journey.

To Ms. Merrick, I discovered early on that the system would overlook me because of my circumstances—until I encountered Ms. Merrick. Each day, I entered her class with excuses for incomplete homework and assignments. Yet, she met my excuses with a firm response: “Excuses are for the weak and incompetent. You are not weak nor incompetent therefore I will not accept your excuses.” Little did I know, she instilled this mindset deep within my subconscious. Now, as an adult, I hold myself accountable without resorting to excuses, thank you.

Website: https://www.google.com/search?q=Your+preferred+realtor+ashley+brks+reviews&sca_esv=ab02dd2696e7e4b9&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS1041US1041&sxsrf=ACQVn08RIz6IsCe4GjcWkHMWBP5srgOCiw%3A1711474865184&ei=sQgDZoSvCvDm5NoP6aGUeA&ved=0ahUKEwjEy4XbvJKFAxVwM1kFHekQBQ8Q4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=Your+preferred+realtor+ashley+brooks+reviews&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiLFlvdXIgcHJlZmVycmVkIHJlYWx0b3IgYXNobGV5IGJyb29rcyByZXZpZXdzMggQIRigARjDBEjQHFCHEFi7G3ACeAGQAQCYAXigAc4JqgEEMTIuMrgBA8gBAPgBAZgCCqACmQXCAgoQABoohHGNYEGLADwgIIEAAYgAQYogSYAwCIBgGQBgiSBwIxMKAHxyI&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#

Instagram: YourPreferredRealtor

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/estoy.arrojo

Other: Tiktok: Realtorbae_1025

Image Credits
Thomas Kirk

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