We had the good fortune of connecting with William Hall and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi William, how do you think about risk?
Risks are unavoidable and inevitable. Through personal experience and observing multiple instances of those I know who have tried to avoid taking risks, one thing stands true. That truth is life is unpredictable
at times. That unpredictability creates known and unknown risks. Risks are a necessary part of life but
should be calculated, if possible.
For example, when a couple or partnership decides to embark on the experience of pregnancy. Often the
focus is on the result of the pregnancy being a beautiful child, however, to arrive to that destination
there are visits to the OBGYN, Maternal Fetal specialists and a midwife to help mitigate pregnancy risks.
Mitigating risks requires strategic planning and creation of contingencies pending the possibility of
having to address those risks in a controlled manner. Those contingencies I experienced personally
through the birth of my first child. My wife and I had a birthing plan that we had to deviate from due to
safety precautions. That deviation was not an agreed upon decision between my family and the
practitioners, but sometimes the best response to risks, is a process of gathering information to make an
informed decision. Through faith we were able to navigate the change in plans confidently and
continuously remind ourselves, we are not the first parents to take on the risks of pregnancy and
All in all, risks should be a part of your success planning in life and professionally. It will require a level of
flexibility, awareness, education, and faith to take on and overcome the risks we experience in life.


Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.

Currently, I work for Comcast Xfinity as a Manager and co-lead for an Employee resource group, Black
Employee Network. I have 21 direct reports and the ERG houses over 1800 members. I lead from an area of
expertise when it is pertaining to retail sales, leadership development, improving processes and
innovation for the employee experience. Becoming the first retail leader to be named a co-lead over the
largest ERG in Comcast’s organization, was a proud moment for me. A moment not derived of feelings
over a title or position, but a pride of work, impact and recognition of efforts contributed. I take the
position seriously for it is groundbreaking and a standard raising posture that allows for an improved work experience for employees.
The pathway of obtaining the position I currently have, I would not categorize it as easy. However, I
have adopted the perspective of, necessary. Along my career I have met obstacles, obstructions,
difficulties, and lack of support. As a result of the items mentioned, I begun to adapt my mindset to the
positives of those experiences and turn them into education. My shift in mindset and willingness to be
flexible, ever learning is what sets me apart from others. The positives that I found during those times
came from my faith. My belief system is what sustains and revitalizing me during any circumstance. That
energy projects and touches those around me, which also set me apart from majority of leaders.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?

Friday nights I would suggest going to Apache Lounge. On Saturday, check out one the city markets
during the day and grab a bite to eat. That night head out to the City Winery for live music and good
food. On Sunday, you have number of choices for worship services across the city, if you choose to
attend. You could have brunch at The Hive and that night go to Josphine Lounge for live poetry and

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?

Absolutely! I want to shoutout the Black Employee Resource Group at Comcast in the Big South Region.
Personally, and professionally the members of this organization have provided stated and unstated
support towards my vision to impact the lives our leaders, peers, and direct reports. There are so many genuine
and authentic individuals that have added memories, tutelage, and professional education to my life;
impacting me and family in ways that shouldn’t go unrecognized. So, shoutout to BEN Big South at
Comcast. Thank you, from the members all the way up to senior leadership for acknowledging my value
and sponsoring me through challenges in my career.

Who else deserves recognition in my story? My wife. As I have always told her, “She is the strongest
person I know, she just hasn’t realized how strong she is yet.” On countless occasions she has stepped up
to ensure that the people she loves are taken care of and fell the presence of love despite the
circumstance. She takes her life experiences and uses them to drive her to always show up for people
despite the reciprocity but with the intentionality of love and friendship. I have been blessed to have
such a resilient fighter for a wife. She may not put up her hands to swing but she is willing to throw
punches with heart until people feel the licks.

Website: www.definewillpower.com

Instagram: _definewillpower_

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/william-hall-818552143?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=android_app

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.