We had the good fortune of connecting with Jonna Leanne Patel and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Jonna Leanne, what led you to pursuing a creative path professionally?
In the heart of my small town, Albertville, Alabama, my journey began with a flair for the arts. My mom, wise and caring, recognized the importance of extracurriculars in shaping my story. Amidst the charm of a local community theater, I found my spotlight as Toto in the Wizard of Oz. The thrill of the stage, the applause echoing in my ears – it was magic, especially for a wide-eyed pre-teen. A pivotal moment, etched in the script of my life, was during that Oz journey. Pretending to pee on the human trees, a ripple of laughter surged from the rehearsal audience. That laughter became my muse, the spark that ignited a passion.

Growing up in a town that cherished art but offered limited avenues for creative careers, I followed the script laid out by the generation before me – the path to education. A Bachelor’s in Spanish in Huntsville, Alabama, and a Master’s in Professional Counseling in Carrollton, GA – my academic tale unfolded. Yet, it wasn’t until my return to the bustling streets of Atlanta in 2018 that I discovered a city pulsating with opportunities for creative souls like mine.

Atlanta, a symphony of familiarity and growth, became my muse. Surrounded by fellow artists and dream-weavers, I found the chorus that harmonized with my aspirations. My mission had always been simple: to sprinkle joy, laughter, and love into the lives of others. The ‘why’ was clear, but the ‘how’ eluded me until Atlanta embraced me in its artistic embrace.

Amidst the rhythm of the city, I dived into the collaborative world of acting and improv. Creating art with others, each performance became a laughter-filled journey, weaving bonds with fellow artists and the audience. Beyond the stage, my love for exploration took flight, and the whimsical realm of TikTok became my canvas for satire comedy. A dash of travel, a sprinkle of live performances and stage work with some local venues– my story unfolded in chapters of creativity and wanderlust.

A side note, for those who wander into the tale of my unconventional journey: It might not be the archetypal artist’s saga, and I applaud those who pursued their dreams from the get-go. My path, however, meandered through the corridors of education, providing a safety net for my artistic endeavors later on. Today, I work at Georgia Tech, as an Academic Support Coordinator in the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs and pursue my artistic career in my spare time.

The dream, still burning bright, includes a future where I can guide and inspire emerging creatives. But for now, I wear the hat of a toddler mom, juggling the intricacies of life.


Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
To sum up where I am at in my life right now … I am a mom to a toddler, and before I became pregnant, I had just left my full time job in Higher Education to pursue artistic freelance full time. The pregnancy, though unexpected, turned out to be serendipitous in its timing. Financially, it marked one of the toughest periods, but creatively, it was an open canvas. With my little one yet to make her debut, I carried her presence into every class and project, fearlessly navigating the world of acting and improv. After all, if I could embark on the daunting journey of creating a human, what else could be more intimidating?

Yet, the path wasn’t without its challenges. Financial struggles loomed large, and the landscape of self-doubt and rejection in the artistic realm proved formidable (as is often the case). I won’t dwell on the challenges, for everyone has their battles to fight, and I acknowledge the privilege that colors my experiences. Instead, I learned to view my unique qualities as an artist and actor not as obstacles, but as building blocks.

In the face of financial uncertainties, I took on roles with long days, not just for the paycheck, but as a testament to my commitment. I became discerning about the roles I auditioned for, aligning them with my artistic vision. Through this journey, confidence in my craft as an actor and writer blossomed, introducing me to a vibrant community of talented individuals on set.

For me, authenticity is the compass that guides my artistic voyage. Embracing imperfections and acknowledging that perfection is but an illusion, I stay true to my brand. I don’t claim to be flawless, but I do pride myself on being genuine, surrounding myself with opportunities and people that fuel my growth as both an individual and an artist. In this ever-evolving narrative, I stand firm in the belief that staying true to oneself is the key to a grounded and fulfilling artistic journey.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
So many people visit Atlanta and go straight to Midtown, which is amazing. However, I have always been a big fan of East Atlanta and some of the spaces it has to offer. The other area that is quickly becoming a favorite is the Westside Trail. With this in mind, I would start with the usual “Atlanta” highlights. – Early AM – Start with coffee at any of the many local coffee spots. I usually take people to Con Leche Coffee or on my side of town, to Boggs for “Ria’s Babybird” for coffee and a nice stroll around their areas.
– After coffee, drive to the Jackson Street Bridge (where my partner proposed) before it gets too crowded and take pictures with the skyline.
– Drive through some of the historical spots near downtown Atlanta, and if time allows, visit MLK’s Birth home.
– From there, head to the Westside trail to the many food spots and breweries. Most people don’t know there are 8 breweries spreadout over this area, and there’s a bus that you can hop on and off of on Sundays.
– I just recently visited Bar Diver and the food and service were both amazing, but I love the ambiance.
– After dinner drinks at “After Eight” because I always have a list of places I have yet to visit but I know having amazing cocktails.
– For day two, we would spent the entire day exploring the areas and spots around East Atlanta, including, but not limited to, East Atlanta Village, Decatur, Ormewood Park, Caggagetown, etc
I’m a Yelp Elite member, so you can always find detailed reviews and photos on my profile, as well as, I love to give back through Google Reviews.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
Oh wow – so many people. I suppose my mom and my family were the first to realize quickly my talents and love for performing. I owe them so much for this and the freedom to be myself.
My partner, Ravi, has also been a huge support system for my acting and writing career. He always pushes me to pursue my dreams, but also helps me be realistic with paying the bills, self care, etc.
My mentor, Regina Young Hyatt, for taking me under her wing and showing me how to pursue my talents, while also pursuing an education that would help me both financially and intrinsically through giving back to others.
Finally, I want to shout out a few of my amazingly creative and talented Atlanta friends, Aaron P. Sherry, Schellie and William Hogan, and Jeff Cole for showing me how to embrace life as an artist and have fun along the way. (And there are so many others I could mention, so just a huge thank you to the Atlanta community!)
Also, a big shout out to the great people at Dad’s Garage and Windmill Arts for giving me opportunities to create and support art at their venues.

Website: www.jonnaleanne.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jonnaleanne/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonnaleanne/

Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/user_details?userid=pPFBE19qVII3sl_-pT6Wsg

Other: I love to post about my pets, travel and sattire comedy on Tik Tok – Find me at: @Myawkwardsociallife https://www.tiktok.com/@myawkwardsociallife I’m making changes to my site but it will be done by Monday.

Image Credits
Mostly Schellie Hogan

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.