We had the good fortune of connecting with Nelson K. Johnson and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Nelson, we’d love to hear about a book that’s had an impact on you.
One of the best books I’ve ever read was written by Joyce Meyer. The book played a huge part in starting my brand/company Stop Sleeping On God LLC. “ 8 Ways to Keep the Devil Under Your Feet” is the title of the book. I first read it while I was in jail. I didn’t know how impactful reading it would be or how it would change my life. That book, coupled with the Bible, opened my eyes and prepared me for where I am today. It’s very practical, easy to read, and put together in such a way that it makes you want to learn more. I still refer to it these days, I have it downloaded on my phone So that when I need it, it’s there!

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I am a Christian Brand Owner. I never thought that this would be something I’d be doing. I’ve always been a creative, though. From writing music for TV Shows and designing websites, creativity has always been my thing. Starting the Stop Sleeping On God brand has really changed my creative flow for the better because I’ve been able to truly create something that has been apart of me forever. I think what sets me apart is that my brand is built on my life. Being in jail and not being able to sleep because I heard the Holy Spirit is literally what my brand is about. I am excited about what’s next for my brand and I am most proud of starting!

It wasn’t easy, at all, getting to this point. I made it this far because I continue to encourage myself and go the distance even when I don’t feel like it. What helps is that my brand is literally a reminder to ME that I have God in my corner. I often tell myself “Nelson, your brand is Stop Sleeping On God, so act like you know it’s true”. I mean, how can I have any doubt while wearing a shirt that is telling me to have NO DOUBT lol. I overcome doubt everyday. How? Well I talk to God. Each day we get closer and closer and I can feel it. There are so many challenges that I face and in order for me to overcome them, I constantly work on my mindset by reading, studying, and understanding that I am here for a reason.

Along the way, I’ve learned that nothing is going to be easy, but it’ll be easier with God. I want the world to know that as long as we do our part in this life, Jesus is always by our side. It’s hard for people to believe in God sometimes because if all of the sadness in the world, but think about the happiness too. Where did that come from?

I like to say I went from felony to faithful and if I can do it, anyone can do it. The only difference is that I am doing it with God. In a world that requires you to be perfect choose God who requires you to be YOU!

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I am new to Georgia, but my family and I have found some incredible gems over the last few years. I’d start by visiting the ATL Zoo! To me, it’s not just a zoo and they have good pizza! Lol I’d take a trip to one of the best restaurants I’ve ever had! It’s called Fogo de Chao – Atlanta. I absolutely love this place, the food is amazing and the service makes it even better. During this week long trip, we’d definitely take a visit to top golf and visit Stone Mountain. I’m looking forward to exploring GA.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I have to shout out God. See, Jesus us really changed my life. I know many people may not understand it, but there is no other way that I can explain how some of my wildest dreams have come true. Sure, I work hard and put in the hours but there’s always that extra bump that make the difference. To me, that bump of God. Now, I can’t say that I’ve gotten everything that I’ve prayed for. However, looking back on my life, I can say that I’ve gotten everything I needed and I’ve gotten a lot of what I’ve prayed for. My prayers have come in the form of a successful brand, in the form of my original music being featured in movies and on major tv networks. It has even come in the form of working for one of the largest defense communications companies in the U.S. I truly believe that God has always been here for me. See, a lot of what we encounter in life is conditional. For example, what you do for people will determine what they do for you and if they’ll forgive you or not. How you treat someone will determine how they treat you and so on. But with God, no matter how bad it gets He will always love you and will always treat you the same. So, my shout out goes to Jesus because without Him, I wouldn’t be where I am today and I wouldn’t have the people in my life who help me succeed daily.

Website: stopsleepingongod.com

Instagram: https://instagram.com/stopsleepingongod

Facebook: https://Facebook.com/stopsleepingongobrand

Image Credits
Ashley Johnson

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.