We had the good fortune of connecting with Bella Shih and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Bella, how has your perspective on work-life balance evolved over time?
Studying and working abroad in the US as an international student can be both exhilarating and daunting. While it’s exciting to explore a new culture and pursue your dreams, the pressure to succeed and make the most of your opportunities can feel overwhelming at times. I personally experienced these mixed emotions, especially when faced with the absence of a structured working schedule in school. I believed that I had to constantly work harder to keep up with my peers and achieve my goals. However, this mindset led me to feel guilty whenever I took a break and I often sacrificed my leisure time to work more.

However, after graduating and transitioning to remote work, I came to realize that this approach was not sustainable for long-term success, especially in an environment without clear physical boundaries or a predefined schedule. When the driving force behind hard work is rooted in fear, it creates a never-ending cycle of trying to catch up with others and an aversion to rest. To change this situation, I embarked on a journey of self-reflection by questioning the ultimate goal of my life. It became clear to me that pure motivation stemming from within oneself is simple and straightforward, and that should be the driving force that keeps me motivated to work hard.

Today, I approach my time more mindfully and prioritize self-care. I consciously make time for new hobbies and experiences, as well as spending quality moments with loved ones. This shift in mindset has brought me a profound sense of fulfillment and happiness in both my personal and professional life. By taking care of ourselves, we become better, more productive, and ultimately happier individuals. My hope in sharing my experience is to inspire others to discover their own path to success and well-being.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I’m a passionate motion designer who loves crafting visually stunning experiences through video and animation. While my primary focus is on motion design, I also enjoy incorporating illustration into my projects whenever possible.

“<definitions>” is a personal project that delves into self-reflection on one’s value and the search for meaning in life. As a motion designer, most of my previous work served a specific purpose or catered to others’ requests. However, expressing vulnerability and conveying personal messages has been a challenge for me. During the early stages of this project, I spent a lot of time journaling to connect with my inner voice. I want to give a special shoutout to Professor Duff, who has been an incredible source of support and inspiration, encouraging me to embrace my true self in this endeavor. Through this project, I discovered the healing power of creating art, which I now realize is the most precious aspect of being a creator.

The field of motion graphics offers endless possibilities for exploring and developing one’s style and skills. I love how versatile motion graphics are in the digital world, as almost everything requires visual content that can benefit from the enhancement of motion graphics to improve communication with audiences. Therefore, as I step into the industry, I’m committed to being open and flexible, continuously learning new skills and adapting to different styles.

I’ve come to understand that technical skills are not the sole determining factor in achieving desired outcomes. Logical thinking during the creative process, clear articulation in communication, and a willingness to learn when faced with unfamiliar territory all contribute to achieving remarkable results. I take great pride in being a responsible and collaborative person to work with, which sets me apart from others in the field.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
Savannah is a city brimming with personality and unique characteristics. I genuinely appreciate the relaxed pace and the town’s beautiful architecture. I take great pleasure in strolling through the residential area, marveling at the diverse styles of houses, and capturing pictures. As I pursued my graduate studies here, I am eager to bring my friends and family to visit the school campus and share amusing anecdotes from my time as a student.

Among the many things I adore doing in Savannah, spending time at parks and local cafes tops the list. I find immense joy in lounging on a picnic mat, immersing myself in the gentle breeze and the harmonious sounds of nature. Forsyth Park, the largest park in the downtown area, holds a special place in my heart due to its proximity and accessibility. Additionally, the downtown area boasts several charming square parks, offering solace to bustling individuals seeking a moment of respite amidst their busy lives. However, for those yearning for tranquility and a deeper connection with nature, I highly recommend visiting Tom Triplett Park. The serene lake and enchanting woods create an atmosphere of calm that soothes the mind. Furthermore, if you happen to be a disc golf player, the park also features disc golf baskets for your enjoyment!

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
I strongly believe that an individual’s success is not solely attributed to their own efforts, but rather a culmination of their hard work and the immense support from those around them. Becoming a motion designer was not a predetermined path in my life, and I went through a phase filled with self-doubt and uncertainty. During that time, I felt incredibly grateful for the unwavering support and encouragement from my friends in Taiwan when I made the life-changing decision to pursue my graduate studies in the United States. Their words often made me feel as though they had more faith in me than I had in myself. Despite the 12-hour time difference that separates us and the occasional difficulty in keeping up with each other’s lives, I truly cherish and consider myself fortunate to have them by my side. Without their support, this journey would have been infinitely more challenging. And if you’re reading this, you know I’m talking about YOU!

Website: https://bellashih.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bellashih.art/

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutAtlanta is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.